Title: | Voting Leave | Publication date: | 12/17/2014 | Effective date: | 1/24/ | 1999POLICYA. PurposeA Berkeley Lab employee will be granted necessary time off with pay, not to exceed two hours, for voting in any statewide primary or general election if the employee is scheduled to work eight hours or more on that day and does not have time to vote outside working hours. B. Persons AffectedAll employees. Represented employees should consult their collective bargaining agreement. C. ExceptionsNot applicable. Requests for exceptions that exceed what is allowed under current policy or that are not expressly addressed by current policy are considered exceptions to policy. A request for an exception to policy requires, at minimum, approval by the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). D. Policy StatementAn employee will be granted necessary time off with pay, not to exceed two hours, for voting in any statewide primary or general election if the employee is scheduled to work eight hours or more on that day and does not have time to vote outside working hours. E. Roles and ResponsibilitiesManagers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy. F. Definitions/AcronymsNone G. Recordkeeping RequirementsNone H. Implementing DocumentsNone For more information, contact your division's Human Resources Center.Feedback on HR policies or procedures is welcomed. Send comments to [email protected]. J. Revision HistoryDate | Revision | By whom | Revision Description | Section(s) affected | Change Type | 1/2/2012 | 0 | M. Bello | Re-write for wiki (brief) | All | Minor | 12/17/2014 | 1 | M. Bello | Re-write for wiki (policy) | All | Minor |