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Events and Meals Policy

Publication date:


Effective date:



Policy Summary

This policy describes the requirements for:

  • Attending an event: This includes attendance at conferences, meetings, retreats, seminars, symposiums, or similar activities that include travel.
  • Hosting an event: This includes events where Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is serving as the host or cohost, or when the Laboratory plans and manages an event.
  • Sponsorships: This includes events where the Laboratory provides monetary support to an event host or allows the use of a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) or Laboratory logo.
  • Working meals: Meals and/or refreshments provided while conducting Laboratory business, which may be as part of attending an event or hosting an event, or part of a smaller meeting.

Costs incurred for the activities above must comply with the terms of Berkeley Lab's contract with DOE, and with the requirements set forth in applicable DOE guidance/requirements and other federal regulations, where applicable.

Who Should Read This Policy

  • Employees and nonemployees who attend events
  • Employees who participate in the hosting of events
  • Employees who wish to sponsor an external conference
  • Employees who provide working meals as part of an event or meeting
  • Employees who serve in the division approver roles

To Read the Full Policy, Go To

The POLICY tab on this wiki page

Contact Information

Conference Services Manager or ConferenceServices@lbl.gov

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