The Project Manager, in consultation with the Project Director determines the level of design required and the appropriate resources to complete the effort. At times, the DCM manages projects that do not require design by a licensed professional, per exemption to the California Business and Professions Code1. In general, alterations that do not affect life safety systems, do not alter the building structure, or do not alter beyond capacity the electrical and mechanical utility systems of the building may be exempt from the requirement for design by a licensed professional. The Project Manager, in consultation with the Project Director or DCM Department Head, and/or Fire Marshal makes this determination. The Project Manager may seek input from in-house subject matter experts and/or code consultants in lieu of a licensed design professional.
Projects involving latest technology equipment that replaces existing plant equipment and/or scientific apparatus that integrate with the Facilities Energy Management Controls (i.e., Field Processing Units), and/or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and have complex control systems should be designed and engineered for installation and documentation. The design should also incorporate Vendor/Original Manufacturer's Specifications, set points, programming, and/or control algorithms for startup and operational modes: normal, maintenance, and/or emergency.
Projects shall be designed in accordance with the LBNL Construction Details and Design Guidelines (CDDG) available on the Facilities Division website. The LBNL CDDG outlines the requirements for compliance with codes, rules, regulations, and standards for construction projects at LBNL.
UC Berkeley’s Department of Capital Projects must review construction Bid Documents for LBNL projects on the Berkeley campus.
1 California Business and Professions Code, Sections 5537-5538.