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operty Pass to document the Property Pass to document the change of location. See section D.11.3.b, "Division Property Pass," below.

D.6 Loaning Property

Deck of Cards
idPersonal Property Management Policy



Personal Property Management Policy

Publication date:


Effective date:



Policy Summary

This policy provides guidance on the requirements for the management of personal property at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Supervisors are responsible for the proper use and control of property and supplies used by employees.

Who Should Read This Policy

All Berkeley Lab employees

To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

The POLICY tab on this Wiki page

Contact Information

OCFO Property Ma

Management System.     
  • The following categories of property are subject to verification of every inventory:
  • Capital Equipment
  • Sensitive Items
  • High-Risk Property
  • Precious Metals
  • Controlled Substances
  • Inventory guidance, schedules, and forms are available on the Property
  • Management website.

    D.5 Off-Site Use of Property



    Personal Property Management Policy

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    This policy provides guidance on the requirements for the management of personal property at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Supervisors are responsible for the proper use and control of property and supplies used by employees.

    B. Persons Affected

    All Berkeley Lab employees

    C. Exceptions

    1. Property-removal approvals are not required when employees:
      1. Carry their Laboratory-issued laptops and cell phones for use away from the Laboratory.
      2. Temporarily remove printed matter for reading and reference.
      3. Take away their personal items.
    2. Contracted scrap and salvage dealers and refuse services are pre-approved to remove equipment, materials, and garbage from the Laboratory.

    D. Policy Statement

    D.1 General
    D.2 Employee Responsibilities
    D.3 Property Classifications
    D.4 Inventory Requirements — General Inventory Guidance
    D.5 Off-Site Use of Property
    D.6 Loaning Property
    D.7 Borrowing Property
    D.8 Property Loss or Damage
    D.9 Excess Property
    D.10 Storage of Property
    D.11 Property Movement Records
    D.12 Property Retirement
    D.13 Property Acquired as a Gift
    D.14 Employee-Owned Property
    D.15 Export Control Considerations

    D.1 General

    1. Title: Title to Berkeley Lab property rests with the United States government. Laboratory policies and procedures governing the effective and efficient stewardship of government property and supplies are summarized below. The Laboratory Personal Property Policy Manual (PPPM) (PUB-3032) provides procedural detail and guidance for employees.
    2. Charter: The Property Management Charter is twofold:
      1. Oversight and Control. Oversight and control of the Laboratory's government property are in accordance with the policies and procedures described in the PPPM.
      2. Support and Guidance. Support and guidance are provided for Laboratory personnel in the life-cycle management of their property activities, from creation of the asset record to final asset retirement from the database.

    D.2 Employee Responsibilities

    1. Official Use: The facilities, tools, supplies, materials, and equipment at the Laboratory are U.S. government property and are for official use only by division-authorized employees. Use for any purpose other than official Laboratory business, regardless of the location, constitutes a conflict of interest and is illegal and prohibited. Employees who use government property for personal business or who remove property from Laboratory jurisdiction without proper authorization are subject to disciplinary action as well as prosecution under federal law (Title 18, U.S. Code). The Laboratory may impose penalties commensurate with the gravity of an improper, dishonest, or illegal offense. Consequences range from a warning or official reprimand to salary reduction, suspension without pay, demotion, or dismissal. Prosecution at the discretion of the U.S. Attorney's Office may result in a fine, imprisonment, or both.
    2. Responsible Use: Berkeley Lab policy mandates responsible use of all property in the custody of its employees. Property must be used in a safe manner, and adequate care must be taken to protect it from loss or damage. Each Laboratory division is responsible for establishing requirements that ensure the effective stewardship of its resources, including hierarchical responsibility for reporting losses and misuse of property.
    3. Safeguard Property: Each asset is assigned to a Property Custodian, who must be a Berkeley Lab employee. Property Custodians must follow Berkeley Lab Property Management policies and procedures and take reasonable measures to safeguard property against theft, loss, destruction, and damage consistent with the environment in which the property is being properly used.

    D.3 Property Classifications

    1. The following property classifications are defined in 41 CFR 109 or are industry-accepted descriptions of the classification:
    2. Capital Equipment: Property acquired or valued above a $500,000 threshold is classified as Capital Equipment.
    3. Controlled Substances: Illegal drugs allowed for use in strictly regulated research activities are classified as Controlled Substances.
    4. Equipment: A tangible asset that is functionally complete for its intended purpose, durable, nonexpendable, and needed for the performance of a contract. Equipment is not intended for sale, and does not ordinarily lose its identity or become a component part of another article when put into use.
    5. High Risk: Property that, because of its potential impact on public health and safety, the environment, national security interests, or proliferation concerns, must be controlled, and disposed of in other than the routine manner. The categories of high-risk property are automatic data processing equipment, especially designed or prepared property, export controlled information, export controlled property, hazardous property, nuclear weapon components or weapon-like components, proliferation sensitive property, radioactive property, special nuclear material, and unclassified controlled nuclear information.
    6. Precious Metals: Uncommon and highly valuable metals characterized by their superior resistance to corrosion and oxidation. Included are gold, silver, and the platinum group metals, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and osmium.
    7. Property of Others: Property borrowed from external organizations for short-term use by Laboratory employees is classified as Property of Others
    8. Sensitive: Includes all items, regardless of value, that require special control and accountability due to unusual rates of loss, theft, or misuse, or due to national security or export control considerations.
    9. Stores: Miscellaneous low-value utility items are classified as Stores.

    D.4 Inventory Requirements — General Inventory Guidance

    1. Divisions are responsible for the property under their stewardship and must account for it during inventories and/or upon demand by internal or external government auditors. Property Management plans and issues the campaigns and supports divisions' efforts in conducting their inventories. There are two main types of inventory:
    2. Statistical Sampling: Randomly selected sample representing a percentage of the total assets.
    3. Wall-to-Wall (100%): All active assets in the Sunflower Asset
    1. Divisions allow off-site use of equipment under their stewardship and may issue a Pr
    1. Laboratory property that is temporarily idle may be loaned to external organizations. Loans are arranged by Property Management and are governed by very specific U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) criteria and Berkeley Lab procedures. See the LBNL P Anchor_Hlt41148499_Hlt41148499roperty Property Management Procedure Loans.

    D.7 Borrowing Property

    1. Employees may be allowed to borrow property from external organizations for short periods of time when doing so is practical and economical. Property may be borrowed from another government or educational organization for use in research or from a vendor for test and evaluation. The purpose of the borrowing arrangement determines the protocol that must be followed.
    2. Use in Research: Borrowing property for use in research requires prior authorization through the Berkeley Lab Property Management Group. Information about this organizational agreement can be found in the Property Management procedure Borrowing Persona Anchor_Hlt41148527_Hlt41148527l Personal Property for Use.
    3. Testing and Evaluation: Borrowing equipment for testing and evaluation is managed by divisions on behalf of their employees. See the Property Management procedure Borrowing Personal Property Anchor_Hlt41148542_Hlt41148542for Testing.
    4. In all cases, the division must contact an EH&S Di Anchor_Hlt41399858_Hlt41399858vi Anchor_Hlt41148558_Hlt41148558sion Division Safety Coordinator to review and clear the borrowed equipment for use.

    D.8 Property Loss or Damage

    1. Reporting Losses: Losses, theft, vandalism, sabotage, or suspected willful destruction of any Laboratory property must be reported to Berkeley Lab Site Access & Security and Property Management within 24 hours of discovery. Property thefts occurring off-site must immediately be reported to police in the jurisdiction where the theft occurred. Losses of Berkeley Lab property and/or damage beyond normal wear and tear must be reported to Property Management upon discovery. Employees must also complete the Request to R Anchor_Hlt41148612_Hlt41148612etire Retire Personal Property form and submit it to Property Management so that the asset can be removed from inventory.
    2. Disciplinary Actions: The custodian will be subject to established disciplinary actions and the Laboratory may impose penalties commensurate with the gravity of an improper, dishonest, or illegal offense. Consequences range from a warning or official reprimand to invoicing a current or former employee for missing or unreturned property, suspension without pay, demotion, or dismissal. Prosecution at the discretion of the U.S. Attorney's Office may result in a fine, imprisonment, or both.
    3. The custodian's actions will be defined as gross negligence or willful misconduct and subject to established disciplinary actions if:
        1. The custodian has a lost or stolen Sensitive IT asset within the prior rolling 24 months
        2. The lost/stolen Sensitive IT asset has an acquisition date less than three years from the date of loss
    4. Reimbursement/Liability
      1. Property Received or Shipped: Employees will not be reimbursed for insurance of property that is received at or transported from Berkeley Lab to off-site locations.
      2. Property Loaned or Borrowed for Use: Agreements for property that is loaned or borrowed for use in research are coordinated by Property Management. Reimbursement against loss or damage is governed by the terms of each individual agreement.
      3. Property Borrowed for Testing: Responsibility for property borrowed from a vendor for testing and evaluation rests with the borrower and the employee's division. Berkeley Lab's limited liability for borrowed property must be acknowledged in writing by the loaning entity prior to its being shipped. (See the Property Management procedure Borrowing Personal Prop Anchor_Hlt41149359_Hlt41149359 Anchor_Hlt41149360_Hlt41149360erty Property for Testing.)

    D.9 Excess Property

    1. Equipment, office furnishings, and other material (including software) identified as excess property are handled according to national disposition objectives, which may include redeployment within Berkeley Lab. Equipment for which there is no current or projected need should be forwarded to the Property Management Excess Group after review and clearance by an EH& Anchor_Hlt41400045_Hlt41400045S Anchor_Hlt41149382_Hlt41149382&S Division Liaison. Note: Employees are not allowed to remove government-owned property for personal use.
    2. Excess property will be made available for redeployment across the Lab.
    3. Excess equipment that is not redeployed within the Berkeley Lab complex may be transferred to government organizations or academic institutions with active DOE grants. DOE approval is required. Guidance for determining the suitability of transferring excess Laboratory equipment and the process for gaining approvals can be found on the Propert Anchor_Hlt41149562_Hlt41149562y Property Management website.
    4. Sensitive IT Asset Retention
    5. Sensitive IT assets have a typical expected useful life of three to five years
    6. Assets with an acquisition date more than eight years old will be removed from active service unless there is a documented operational need

    D.10 Storage of Property

    1. Warehouse storage of Laboratory equipment is provided by the Property Management Excess Group and must satisfy requirements for retention.

    D.11 Property Movement Records

    1. General: The custodian must notify the divisional property representative of all movements of property so that changes in location can be updated in the Property Managements Property database.
    2. Property Removed from the Laboratory Site: Except as noted above in C, "Exceptions," government property shipped or carried away from the Laboratory requires prior authorization and appropriate documentation.
    3. Shipping Approvals
      1. Common-Carrier Shipping: Division approval is required in all situations in which property is shipped from the Laboratory via a "common carrier." Property that is identified by a DOE/LBNL bar-code tag is subject to additional approval by the Property Management Group. Information about shipping property off-site is available from the Fa Anchor_Hlt41400269_Hlt41400269cilities Division Anchor_Hlt41149599_Hlt41149599Facilities Division Shipping Department.
      2. Division Property Pass: Divisions may issue a Property Pass to their employees for off-site use of government property, such as:, such as:
    4. Arrangements with suppliers performing Laboratory work if the material will remain in the custody of Laboratory personnel.
    5. Short-term or intermittent use to perform Laboratory work at an off-site location.
    6. Incidental use in connection with authorized attendance at a meeting, seminar, exhibit, or lecture.

    D.12 Property Retirement

    1. The status of a property record may change from active to retired in the database if criteria are met in the following categories:
    2. Abandonment
    3. Asset Created in Error
    4. Cannibalized
    5. Destroyed
    6. Foreign Donation
    7. Incorporated — Larger System
    8. Inventory Loss
    9. Lost
    10. No Longer Controlled
    11. Related Real Property
    12. Return to Vendor
    13. Return Property of Others
    14. Stolen
    15. Trade-in
    16. Transfer
    17. Each of these categories is defined in the Request to Anchor_Hlt41149903_Hlt41149903 Retire Personal Property form. The form must be completed and submitted to Property Management for approval.

    D.13 Property Acquired As a Gift

    1. Any property item that has been accepted as a gift or that has been purchased with funds specifically accountable as a gift must be reported in accordance with University of California and Laboratory practices (see Gifts for R Anchor_Hlt41149932_Hlt41149932esearch Research and Acceptance of). Gifts may be accepted only in the name of, and title will be vested in, the Regents of the University of California. The Intellectual Property Office (IP Anchor_Hlt41149944_Hlt41149944OIPO) notifies Property Management when a gift has been accepted so a Property of Others sticker can be placed on the gift. Divisions that anticipate receiving equipment through the gift process should notify the IPO and Property Management well before any items are expected to arrive on-site.

    D.14 Employee-Owned Property

    1. Employee-owned property may not be installed in, affixed to, or made a part of any government-owned property. This restriction does not apply to small decorative items or memorabilia displayed in an employee's work area. In all cases, the Laboratory cannot be held responsible for loss of or damage to any employee-owned item.

    D.15 Export Control Considerations


    Management of Property will adhere to existing export control requirements.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities

    Managers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.



    Berkeley Lab Director

    • The University of California, through the Berkeley Lab Director, is responsible for the acquisition, management ,and disposition of all government personal property in the custody of Berkeley Lab.
    • The responsibility flows to the Deputy Director, Chief Operating Officer, and Division Directors.

    Chief Financial Officer

    • Responsible for assuring the development and implementation of an effective Property Management Program.

    Business Managers

    • Represents the Division Director in the execution of divisional property management responsibilities.

    Division Line Management

    • Responsible for informing all property custodians/users of their responsibilities toward property and ensuring property management procedures are followed.
    • Determines the need for assigning accountable property to custodians.
    • Takes corrective action on violations of property management policy.

    Division Property Representative

    • Responsible for executing and/or coordinating several specifically defined decentralized property management activities and acts to promote Division compliance with property procedures.
    • Responsible for ensuring that all division property records are accurate and current.

    Property Custodians

    • Responsible for following Berkeley Lab Property Management policies and procedures and take reasonable measures to safeguard property against theft, loss, destruction, and damage consistent with the environment in which the property is being properly used.
    • Responsible for reporting lost or stolen property to the Security Office, their Property Representative, and the core Property Management Group within 24 hours upon becoming aware of the loss or theft.
    • May be held financially liable for repair or replacement of property that is lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen due to the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the custodian.
    • Send to Excess all Sensitive IT assets with an acquisition date more than eight years old for which they are the custodian.

    Property Management Organization

    • Responsible for the development of property policy and implementing procedures that ensure support for Berkeley Lab's mission while operating within the terms of the University's contract with DOE.
    • Responsible for quality assurance, division oversight, and inventory management and for providing the necessary tools to divisions in terms of training, support, and guidance to allow them to adequately manage the government property assigned to them.
    • Reviews all of the retirement forms that have been submitted to Property Management where lost or stolen is the reason for retirement to determine whether the custodian exercised reasonable measures in protecting the government property assigned to them.
    • Manages procedure for the excessing of Sensitive IT assets with an acquisition date more than eight years old.

    F. Definitions/Acronyms



    Sensitive IT Asset

    Desktops, laptops, or tablets

    Operational need

    Sensitive IT assets which are used to monitor long-running experiments and other services that should never be interrupted and where the active process cannot be accomplished with current software and/or hardware

    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    H. Implementing Documents

    Policy Manual (PPPM) (PUB-3032)

    Document Number





    I. Contact Information

    Property M Anchor_Hlt41149978_Hlt41149978anagerOCFO Property Manager

    J. Revision History



    By whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) affected

    Change Type



    M. Mock

    Reformat for wiki





    D. McFann

    Periodic review-Minor clarifications





    D. McFann

    Update for removal of DOE O 580.1; employee responsibility for lost assets; Roles and Responsibilities

    D.2, D.3, D.8,D.9


    labelDocument Information



    Personal Property Management Policy

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:


    RPM Section (home)

    Asset Management

    RPM Section (cross-reference)

    Section 11.39

    Functional Division


    Prior reference information (optional)

    RPM, Chapter 11, Section 11.39

    Source Requirements Documents

    41 CFR Chapter 109 - Department of Energy Property Management Regulations

    Implementing Documents

    Document Number


