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    WN Funding Requests

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    Policy Summary

    This policy defines the process to request WN funds in support of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) mission in a manner consistent with Department of Energy (DOE) guidelines. Berkeley Lab requests and receives a limited amount of WN funding each year for Sponsored Research sponsors that are precluded by law or statute from paying in advance.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    All Berkeley Lab employees with financial responsibilities for Sponsored Research projects that require use of WN funds

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab on this wiki page

    Contact Information

    Reimbursable Budget Manager


    WN Funding Requests

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) requests and receives a limited amount of WN funding each year for Sponsored Research sponsors that are precluded by law or statute from paying in advance.
    This policy defines the process to request WN funds in support of Berkeley Lab's mission in a manner consistent with Department of Energy (DOE) guidelines.

    B. Persons Affected

    All Berkeley Lab employees with financial responsibilities for Sponsored Research projects that require use of WN funds when a sponsor is precluded by law or statue from paying in advance.

    C. Exceptions


    D. Policy Statement

    1. General
      1. In general, non-federal sponsors must provide advance payments for work performed by Berkeley Lab. However, some sponsors are precluded by law from making advance payments, and the DOE has made WN funds available to address this situation.
      2. Berkeley Lab may request WN funds from the DOE to cover the required advance payments when sponsors meet the criteria in Sections 2 and 3, below.
      3. Requests for WN funding are limited by an annual ceiling, which is based on a budget authority request submitted to the DOE in the prior fiscal year.
      4. Requests for WN funding should be made prior to execution of the award.
    2. Sponsor Criteria
      1. WN funds authority can be requested for the following non-DOE sponsors:
        1. Non-federal entities for which the sponsor is precluded by law or statute from providing advance payment, which are typically state and local governments. All requests will be reviewed and approved by the Budget Office on a case-by-case basis.
        2. Non-federal entities other than a state or local government need to be reviewed and approved by the DOE Site Office.
    3. Approval Process and Criteria
      1. Requests for WN funds must be made using the WN Request Form.
      2. Requests for the use of WN funds are managed by the Budget Office and are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. WN funding is limited and based on data received in the annual WN and Reimbursable Work data call, which is also included in the reimbursable budget authority request to DOE one fiscal year prior to funding needs.
      3. Requests for WN that are not included in the annual DOE WN Reimbursable Work data call will be approved based on fund availability and institutional needs. The Laboratory Deputy Director for Research has authorized the Budget Office to approve individual requests based on the availability of funds. Requests for WN can be approved prior to having a signed contract in place, but the approval is only valid for the current fiscal year. If  the contract is not signed by the end of the fiscal year, the WN request must be resubmitted to the Budget Office for approval. Requests with signed contracts have priority.
      4. The request must include the following signatures before WN funds are released.



    Principal Investigator (PI)

    Requests WN funds as required by policy.

    Business Manager or designee

    Approves appropriateness/necessity of request.

    Strategic Partnerships Office (SPO) Contracts Officer (CO)

    • Certifies that the sponsor meets the WN funding criteria and a contract is currently under negotiation.
    • For non-federal sponsors other than state and local governments, coordinates with the Budget Office when the use of WN requires DOE Site Office approval.
    • Upon final WN approval, finalizes and executes the contract.

    DOE Site Office designee (if applicable)

    Certifies that the sponsor meets WN funding criteria.

    Budget Officer or designee

    • Certifies that WN funds authority is available and coordinates with the DOE Site Office as necessary.
    • Depending on the amount of funds available, the Laboratory Deputy Director for Research may be required to review and approve.
    • Reviews each request and forwards it to the Laboratory Deputy Director for Research for approval as necessary.

    Laboratory Deputy Director for Research (or designee)

    Certifies allocation of WN funds authority is appropriate as necessary.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities



    Resource Analyst

    • Prepares and completes the WN Funding Request form. Works with the Budget Office as questions arise on whether the sponsor meets the criteria.
    • Obtains the required signatures from the PI and/or Business Manager.
    • Submits the form for review and approval by the CO.
    • Upon project completion, notifies the Budget Office of any unexpended funds by marking award as Cost are Final in the Electronic System for Research Administration (eSRA).

    SPO Contract Officer (CO)

    • Reviews and signs the request form.
    • Forwards the request to the Budget Office for review and approval, with a copy of the state statute, which indicates the sponsor is restricted from paying in advance.

    Budget Officer or designee

    • Reviews the request form and coordinates approvals (if applicable) from the DOE Site Office and the Laboratory Deputy Director for Research.
    • Informs the Resource Analyst and CO of request status and/or approval. Notifies all parties if the request requires DOE Site Office or Laboratory Deputy Director for Research approval. Final approval will be communicated by e-mail. (NOTE: The DOE Site Office approves only the appropriateness of sponsor, not the allocation of WN Funding Authority.)
    • Ensures any unexpended funds are de-obligated and returned to the DOE Office of Science Consolidated Service Center.

    F. Definitions/Acronyms




    DOE Budget and Reporting classification code

    DOE WN Reimbursable Work Data Call

    Annual request for reimbursable budget authority needs required by DOE one fiscal year prior to funding needs

    WN Funds

    DOE funds made available to cover advance payments when nonfederal sponsors are precluded from paying based on law or statute

    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    H. Implementing Documents

    Document Number



    WN Request Form


    Advance Payments for Sponsored Research Projects with Non-Federal Sponsors


    I. Contact Information

    Reimbursable Budget Manager

    J. Revision History



    By Whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) Affected

    Change Type



    S. Bennett

    Periodic review: minor policy clarifications





    S. Bennett

    Periodic Review: minor editorial updates

    D, E; Pub & next review dates




    M. Fix

    Clarifications to existing policy






    Review completed 12/31/2012, no changes

    Pub & next review dates




    M. Mock

    Reformat for wiki





    WN Funding Requests

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:


    RPM Section (home)

    Financial Management

    RPM Section (cross-reference)

    Section 11.47

    Functional Division


    Prior reference information (optional)

    RPM, Chapter 11, Section 11.47

    Source Requirements Documents

    DOE Accounting Handbook, Chapter 13, paragraph 2 (g)

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