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Description of the Animal Colony for Use in Proposals

The Animal Care Facility (ACF) at LBNL will house the mice involved in this research. The ACF is a state-of-the-art facility with a soft-wall design that is easy to modify as research needs change and with filtration design that creates individual clean rooms. This allows a controlled environment that permits continuous visibility of the individual environmental units through freestanding vinyl wall bio-Bubble transparent enclosures. Each bio-Bubble provides a separate enclosure for each specific animal colony, special projects, procedures and quarantine rooms. A total of six bio-Bubbles are designated to hold animals with a total capacity of 3000 cages (current occupancy is at ~1300 cages). One bio-Bubble is set up as the procedure room and is equipped with an isoflurane-anesthesia machine, a CRi Maestro in-vivo fluorescence imaging station, and other basic molecular biology equipment (centrifuge, microscopes, incubator, etc). Another bio-Bubble houses the transgenic production facility. If necessary, mice will be obtained from the Jackson Laboratory, an LBNL-approved source. The LBNL ACF is accredited by AAALAC International, and the animal laboratory staff at the ACF is devoted to full-time care of housed animals.

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