Title: |
Employee Development Leaves of Absence |
Publication date: |
2/20/2025 |
Effective date: |
11/15/2000 |
Policy Summary
Professional Research or Teaching Leave (PRT)
To promote the continuing professional growth and competence of senior administrative professional (job titles identified as "professional" in the Human Resources Information System [HRIS]) and scientific staff members, the Laboratory Director may grant professional research or teaching leave (PRT Leave) to a limited number of employees. Approval and recommendation from the Division Director must be obtained before submitting the request to the Laboratory Director. Approval for such leave will be based on evidence that Berkeley Lab will benefit from the proposed work and that the candidate will continue employment at Berkeley Lab or another DOE-funded employer for a reasonable period following the leave. The leave may be spent at appropriate institutions either within or outside the United States.
Professional Renewal Leave (PR)
The Laboratory Director may grant professional renewal leave to a limited number of Berkeley Lab managers or scientific personnel who have made outstanding contributions in furtherance of Berkeley Lab objectives. The purpose of professional renewal leave is to provide these individuals an opportunity to attach themselves to external organizations and/or programs for the purpose of professional revitalization and development. These temporary external assignments will be approved based on technical and programmatic relevance, to ensure mutual benefit to both Berkeley Lab and the employee.
Who Should Read This Policy
Portions of this policy apply to the following employee classifications: Career, Term, and Faculty.
To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page
Contact Information
For more information, contact your division's HR Field team.
Feedback on HR policies or procedures is welcomed. Send comments to [email protected].
Title: |
Employee Development Leaves of Absence |
Publication date: |
2/20/2025 |
Effective date: |
11/15/2000 |
A. Purpose
Professional Research or Teaching Leave (PRT)
The purpose of this policy is to promote the continuing professional growth and competence of senior administrative professional (job titles identified as "professional" in the Human Resources Information System [HRIS]) and scientific staff members. The Laboratory Director may grant professional research or teaching leave (PRT Leave) to a limited number of employees.
Professional Renewal Leave (PR)
The purpose of professional renewal leave is to provide these individuals an opportunity to attach themselves to external organizations and/or programs for the purpose of professional revitalization and development.
B. Persons Affected
Portions of this policy apply to the following employee classifications: Career, Term, and Faculty.
C. Exceptions
Requests that exceed what is allowed under current policy or that are not expressly addressed by current policy are considered exceptions to policy. A request for an exception to policy requires, at a minimum, approval of the Compensation Manager and the Chief Human Resources Officer.
D. Policy Statement
- Professional Research or Teaching Leave. To promote the continuing professional growth and competence of senior administrative professional and scientific staff members, the Laboratory Director may grant professional research or teaching leave to a limited number of employees. Approval and recommendation from the Division Director must be obtained before submitting the request to the Laboratory Director. Approval for such leave will be based on evidence that Berkeley Lab will benefit from the proposed work and that the candidate will continue employment at Berkeley Lab or another DOE-funded employer for a reasonable period following the leave. The leave may be spent at appropriate institutions either within or outside the United States.
- Qualifications. The candidate must have outstanding professional ability and propose a firm plan of study, teaching, or research that is clearly relevant to the interests of Berkeley Lab and within the individual's competence. The candidate must also have been continuously employed by Berkeley Lab for four years or more. University of California (UC) faculty members are eligible to participate in this program if their Berkeley Lab appointment is at 50% or more time during the academic year.
- Salary
Salary payments made by Berkeley Lab to an employee for professional research or teaching leave may not exceed the following schedule:
Years of Service or Years Since
Last Professional Research or Teaching LeaveUp to 6 Months
7–12 Months
0.89 salary
0.44 salary
Regular salary
0.50 salary
Regular salary
0.56 salary
Regular salary
0.61 salary
Regular salary
0.67 salary
Regular salary
0.78 salary
Regular salary
0.89 salary
Regular salary
Regular salary
- In the case of a UC faculty member with a less than 50% campus appointment, professional research or teaching leave payments may be approved to the extent necessary to offset sabbatical privileges for which the faculty member is ineligible.
- Duration of Leave. The period of leave will not exceed 12 months.
- Travel Expenses. Travel expenses will not be reimbursed by Berkeley Lab.
- Vacation and Sick Leave Credits. Vacation and sick leave credits will not accrue to the employee during the leave.
- If the employee voluntarily leaves Berkeley Lab employment within one year of returning from leave, he or she must repay Berkeley Lab all funds provided as stated above.
- Professional Renewal Leave. The Laboratory Director may grant professional renewal leave to a limited number of Berkeley Lab managers or scientific personnel who have made outstanding contributions in furtherance of Berkeley Lab objectives. The purpose of professional renewal leave is to provide these individuals an opportunity to attach themselves to external organizations and/or programs for the purpose of professional revitalization and development. These temporary external assignments will be approved based on technical and programmatic relevance, to ensure mutual benefit to both Berkeley Lab and the employee. The following general provisions apply:
- The candidate must be a recognized senior scientific or management series employee for whom it would not normally be practical to utilize either the college-level courses program or the professional research or teaching leave.
- The period of leave must not exceed six months.
- Salary payment, vacation, sick leave, and other benefits will continue as if the employee were in full-duty status at Berkeley Lab.
- Berkeley Lab may provide travel support in accordance with the Travel Policy and Reference Guide.
- If the employee voluntarily leaves Berkeley Lab employment within one year of returning from leave, he or she must repay Berkeley Lab all funds provided as stated above.
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Managers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.
F. Definitions/Acronyms
G. Recordkeeping Requirements
H. Implementing Documents
I. Contact Information
For more information, contact your division's HR Field team.
Feedback on HR policies or procedures is welcomed. Send comments to [email protected].
J. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By Whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) Affected |
Change Type |
1/2/2012 |
0 |
M. Bello |
Rewrite for wiki (brief) |
All |
Minor |
11/19/2014 |
1 |
L. Westphal |
Rewrite for wiki (policy) |
All |
Minor |
6/30/2015 |
1.1 |
L. Westphal |
Revised to be consistent with Contract 31, Appendix A |
D.1.f and D.2.e |
Editorial |
7/14/2022 |
1.2 |
W. Crosson |
D.1.b.i |
Editorial |
2/20/2025 |
1.2 |
N. Lopez |
Periodic review: editorial revisions | All |
Editorial |
Title: |
Employee Development Leaves of Absence |
Document number | |
Revision number |
1.3 |
Publication date: |
2/20/2025 |
Effective date: |
11/15/2000 |
Next review date: |
2/29/2030 |
Policy Area: |
Employee Development |
RPM Section (home) |
Human Resources |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
Sections 2.04(H) & (I) |
Functional Division |
Human Resources |
Prior reference information (optional) |
Source Requirements Documents
- DOE Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, Sec. J, App. A, Advance Understandings on Human Resources
- University of California Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) 50, Professional Development
Implementing Documents