- Created by Lydia J Young, last modified by Dmitry Soustin on Feb 28, 2024
Title: |
Funds Control |
Publication date: |
2/28/2024 |
Effective date: |
2/28/2024 |
Policy Summary
This policy describes the requirements for funds control at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). It also defines the guidelines for initiating the Stop Work process to ensure compliance with these funds control requirements. When stopping work due to imminent danger, please refer to Berkeley Lab’s Stop Work Policy.
Who Should Read This Policy
Any Berkeley Lab employee with financial or project management responsibilities
To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page
Contact Information
Title: |
Funds Control |
Publication date: |
2/28/2024 |
Effective date: |
2/28/2024 |
A. Purpose
This policy describes the requirements for funds control at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). It also defines the guidelines for initiating the Stop Work process to ensure compliance with these funds control requirements. When stopping work due to imminent danger, please refer to Berkeley Lab’s Stop Work Policy.
B. Persons Affected
Any Berkeley Lab employee with financial or project management responsibilities
C. Exceptions
This policy includes guidance for stopping work to prevent a funds control violation. This guidance provides a collaborative approach between the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) and the area/division experiencing a potential funds control violation and is designed to investigate the issue and come to a joint resolution as quickly as possible. If warranted by the severity of the risk, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and/or Budget Officer have the authority to unilaterally stop or suspend work. This action will be immediately followed by the evaluation steps described below in Section D.4. They can exercise this authority in order to mitigate risk to the Laboratory while supporting its scientific mission. Other nonfinancial factors may also result in the requirement to stop work. These factors are covered in other policies.
D. Policy
- General
- Funds control is a core component part of Berkeley Lab’s financial stewardship responsibilities, and should be practiced for all projects at the laboratory. Nearly all of the Laboratory’s projects are funded through Contract 31 and DOE Inter-entity work. As such, activities funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), DOE integrated contractors, Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP) sponsors, and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) are the focus of this policy.
- DOE and other sponsors fund the work of Berkeley Lab. The funds for authorized activities are included in Contract 31 through the Authorized Funding Plan (AFP) contract modifications. These funds are subject to limitations related to the authorized scope of work, the timing of funds receipts, and the period of performance.
- For projects funded by the DOE, the work authorization describing the work to be performed (including specific limitations and requirements), along with the associated funds (the AFP), must be received at the Laboratory before starting work.
- For DOE Inter-Entity projects, work can began upon receipt of a fully executed Inter-Entity Work Order (IEWO) and/or a Memorandum Purchase Order (MPO) or similar contracting mechanism (i.e., subcontract, standard purchase order, Integrated Contractor Order (ICO) etc.) and the period of performance is in effect.
- For a federal SPP agreement, work may commence after a fully executed contract is awarded, the period of performance is in effect, and funds have been received at the Laboratory. The Laboratory may elect to, at its own risk, utilize bridge funding to begin work prior to all of these requirements being met.
- For a nonfederal SPP agreement, work may commence after a fully executed contract is awarded, a cash advance has been requested and received, the period of performance is in effect, and funds have been received at the Laboratory. The Laboratory may elect to, at its own risk, use bridge funding to begin work prior to all of these requirements being met. Nonfederal SPP agreement funds are limited to the cash received from the sponsor. In some cases, a project may continue to incur costs in excess of cash received with approved bridge funding (see the Bridge Funding for Sponsored Research Projects policy for details).
- Funds control is a process to ensure that:
- Funds are expended solely for their authorized and appropriated purpose.
- Funds are obligated and expended within their authorized amounts.
- Costs and encumbrances are incurred within applicable time limits.
- Funds must be received at the Laboratory before being spent or encumbered.
- Costs and encumbrances may be expended only during the authorized period of performance.
- Projects must be managed to ensure that costs and encumbrances do not exceed the funds available at Berkeley Lab. A funds control violation occurs when costs and encumbrances are incurred in excess of funds included on the contract at the funds control level. Examples of funds control violations are detailed below in Section D.2.
- If a funds control violation is likely to occur, the area/division should work with its designated Resource Analyst (RA), Finance Manager and the Budget Office to determine mitigating actions, such as requesting additional funds from the sponsor or the use of bridge funding on SPP or IEWO awards. If all mitigating actions have been exhausted, the Stop Work process addressed below in Section D.4 should be initiated.
- If it is determined that an actual funds-control violation exists, per the process outlined in Section D.4, work activities must stop until the issue is resolved.
- Examples of Funds Control Violations: Possible funds control violations may include:
- DOE Direct-Funded Work
- Costs and/or encumbrances incurred in excess of funds available.
- Costs and/or encumbrances incurred prior to receipt of funds through the AFP contract modification.
- Costs and/or encumbrances incurred for activities outside the purpose specified in the DOE work authorization.
- Costs and/or encumbrances incurred after the expiration of limited-appropriation funds.
- Sponsored Research Work
- Costs incurred prior to the receipt of an accepted reimbursable work agreement (i.e.., a written agreement to perform work or provide a service for another federal agency, DOE Integrated Contractor or nonfederal sponsor, signed by a contracting officer or an authorized business official with delegated authority to commit Berkeley Lab to perform sponsored research, and approved by an authorized approver of the sponsor).
- Costs incurred prior to receipt of DOE approval.
- Costs incurred outside the reimbursable work agreement period of performance.
- Costs incurred after the expiration of limited-appropriation funds, if applicable, on work for non-DOE federal sponsors.
- Costs incurred outside the reimbursable work agreement terms (statement of work). Activities must be allowable and allocable.
- Costs incurred in excess of funding.
- For a federal reimbursable work agreement and DOE inter-entity work agreement, "funding" is defined as the contract value.
- For a nonfederal reimbursable work agreement, "funding" is defined as cash received (advance payments + invoice payments), plus bridge funding.
- The financial terms of a reimbursable work agreement are not met by the sponsor.
- The delinquent payment of invoices (generally invoices outstanding for 120 days or more).
- The sponsor refuses to reimburse the Laboratory.
- The violations described above could result in uncollectible or unallowable costs for Berkeley Lab. Accordingly, it is important to monitor funds to prevent these types of issues from occurring.
- DOE Direct-Funded Work
- Responsibility for Monitoring Costs
- The Principal Investigator/Project Manager (PI/PM) has the primary responsibility to ensure that project costs are managed so that costs and encumbrances do not exceed funds available for the project.
- The Resource Analyst matrixed to the division is responsible for providing data that enable the PI/PM to effectively monitor the costs/encumbrances on the project.
- The area/division leadership is responsible for assuring funds control processes are in place and being followed. The area/division leadership may assign responsibilities for providing support to the PI/PM in monitoring costs and assuring funds control to its business managers or operations deputies.
- The PI/PM and RA should collaborate to monitor costs and encumbrances on an ongoing basis to identify projects that are at risk of exceeding available funding in a timely manner. Monitoring should take into consideration the availability of funds for the next 90 days in comparison with the timing of costs/encumbrances, including long lead material and future travel costs.
- If there is the risk of a funds control violation within 90 days, the division should initiate contact and work with its designated Finance Manager to take mitigating actions.
- Process for Initiating Stop Work for Funds Control Compliance
- The Stop Work process is initiated only after all other appropriate mitigating actions have been taken to prevent a funds control violation. The stop work process can be found here.
- Initial Notification
- A potential funds-control violation may be identified by any individual with a project management or fiduciary responsibility, and may result in the initiation of a Stop Work.
- If a potential funds-control violation is identified, the identifier must notify the designated Finance Manager for the area via email.
- Determination
The designated Finance Manager establishes and facilitates a fact-finding team in order to gather details and explore whether other funding sources are available and appropriate.
The RA and designated Sr. Field Finance Manager will summarize the issue and recommendation, regardless of whether a Stop Work course of action is necessary.
- Stop Work Notification
- If warranted by the severity of risk, the CFO and/or Budget Officer have the authority to unilaterally stop or suspend work. They can exercise this authority (at their discretion) to mitigate risk to the Laboratory while supporting its scientific mission.
- Refer to the Stop Work Process document for process related details
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibility |
Principal Investigator/Project Manager (PI/PM) |
Resource Analyst (RA) (matrixed to the division) |
Stop Work Initiator |
Designated Finance Manager |
Budget Office Manager |
SPO Contracts Officer (if applicable) |
Business Manager/Deputy of Operations (as designated by the area/division leader) |
Budget Officer |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (or designee) |
Area/Division Director (or designee) |
F. Definitions/Acronyms
Term |
Definition |
AFP (Authorized Funding Plan) Contract Modification (Mod) |
DOE-produced document that provides Berkeley Lab the budget authority to enter into obligations that will result in immediate or future outlays involving government funds. |
DOE Work Authorization |
DOE-produced programmatic document that specifies activities for which the funds are to be used. |
Limited-appropriation funds |
Funding authority provided by Congress designated as one-year, multiyear, or no-year funding. This designation describes the period of time the funds are available for obligation and expenditure. One-year and multiyear funds expire and cannot be costed or committed after the expiration date. Funds available for a limited period of time are referred to as limited-appropriation funds. |
Reimbursable work agreement |
A written agreement to perform work or provide a service for another federal agency or nonfederal customer. |
Sponsored research |
Work for non-DOE entities performed by DOE/contractor personnel and/or utilizing DOE facilities and which are not directly funded by DOE appropriations. |
Inter-Entity Work Order (IEWO) |
A funding document used to document work from one DOE organization to another DOE organization. |
G. Recordkeeping Requirements
H. Implementing Documents
I. Contact Information
Budget Officer
Field Finance Department Head
J. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By Whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) Affected |
Change Type |
1/31/2018 |
0 |
T. Carlson |
Establish new Funds Control Policy; incorporate previous Stop Work Process for Funds Control Compliance Policy into this policy |
All |
Major |
3/30/2021 |
1 |
M. Bennett |
Periodic review: minor clarifications |
All |
Minor |
2/28/2024 |
2 |
M. Bennett |
Periodic review: remove detailed Stop Work Process steps from policy and establish a new Stop Work Process document |
All |
Major |
Title: |
Funds Control |
Document number | |
Revision number |
2 |
Publication date: |
2/28/2024 |
Effective date: |
2/28/2024 |
Next review date: |
1/31/2027 |
Policy Area: |
Budget |
RPM Section (home) |
Financial Management |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
Section 11.45 |
Functional Division |
Prior reference information (optional) |
RPM Chapter 11, Section 11.45 |
Source Requirements Documents
- Department of Energy Accounting Handbook, Chapter 2, Administrative Control of Funds
- Department of Energy Financial Management Handbook, Chapter 4, Accounting Systems and Organization
DOE Order 481.1E, Strategic Partnership Projects [Formerly Known as Work for Others (Non-Department of Energy Funded Work)]
- Department of Energy Financial Management Handbook, Chapter 12, Inter-Entity Work Between DOE Organizations
- Principles of Federal Appropriations Law
- Anti-Deficiency Act: United States Code, Title 31, U.S.C. 1341, Limitations on Expending and Obligating Amounts
Implementing Documents
- No labels
Printed or exported copies of this LBNL policy are not official.
Users are responsible for working with the latest approved revision located in the online LBNL Requirements and Policies Manual.