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  1. Most certainly. Compared to the many other places I've worked over the past 25+ years, the Lab's safety culture is extraordinary and has even improved through  more 24/7 safety communications, more employee involvement in initiatives, and regular briefings. Most importantly, I see co-workers pointing out safety issues and wanting to resolve them to keep others safe.  In my opinion, this is the real test of a safety culture: team members who understand and promote their and their co-workers safety.  I see more of that today than even two years ago and also feel that there is more to be done to keep improving. I believe that we can still improve in areas such as continued awareness of home safety and improving software design to minimize ergonomic injury.  I look forward to doing my part where I can.

  2. I think it has. I left the lab to go to grad school for a few years and came back in 2010. When I became an employee again, I noticed that there were more activities related to safety happening already. I still occasionally hear people complain about safety education initiatives, but that seems less common now. I see safety reminders where there were none before and more encouragement to bring issues forward. It makes me feel better about working here, partly because I see that safety is taken more seriously and partly because it's an example of the lab community getting stronger.