Welcome to Berkeley Lab’s Safety Culture Initiative community forum! Your observations and ideas are encouraged! Share your Safety Culture beliefs, practices, and attitudes with others and learn how they implement key concepts in their areas.
This is a monitored forum and your identity is not anonymous. All workers are welcome and encouraged to become involved in safety, which will contribute to Berkeley Lab’s objective of making Safety Culture a way of life for the Lab community. Share your Safety Culture beliefs, practices, and attitudes with others and learn how they implement key concepts in their areas.
1. Respect your Berkeley Lab coworkers.
2. Do not identify other people’s names or contact information.
3. Be brief.
4. Please do not type in all caps or use boldface.
To create new topics: click the 'Add New Topic' link below > Give the page a title in the 'New Page' field (the page title = the topic); you may add explanatory text in the main editing window if desired > Click the 'Save' button. Note that it may take a few moments for new topics to appear on the forum or home page.
Status | Topic | Author | # of Replies | Last Activity Date |
What does Safety Culture mean to you? | 2 | Nov 04, 2012 | ||
What are your suggestions for helping to keep people safe while performing electrical work at Berkeley Lab? | 0 | Aug 12, 2015 | ||
What are your ideas and suggestions for improving traffic and pedestrian safety here at Berkeley Lab? Please share your ideas and suggestions for improving traffic and pedestrian safety here at Berkeley Lab! | 60 | Aug 28, 2014 | ||
Do you think that our Safety Culture has improved in the past two years? | 2 | Dec 11, 2012 |