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Welcome to the Office of the CIO. Rosio Alvarez, PhD
Information Technology Policy
Laptop Protection
Dr. Alvarez
About Dr. Alvarez's Role in DC (2010-2011)
Information Systems Journal Article 2008
Information Technology Division
NLCIO: The CIOs of the Department of Energy National Laboratories (formerly SLCCC).
UC ITLC: The University of California Information Technology Leadership Council
IT Policy Blog:
This week, the final version of the new DOE Cybersecurity Directive entered Revcom for concurrence. Berkeley Lab strongly supports the new direction provided by the Directive, and its renewed focus on balanced risk management, a mission-centric view of risk, and the role of the Contractor Assurance System in providing reasonable assurance to the Department of Energy that the Laboratory is operating an effective, efficient, responsive, and balanced cyber security program.
In 2011,…
Berkeley Lab operates a flexible IT environment where investigator autonomy to choose the right tools for their work is encouraged and supported. This stands in contrast to the approaches of many of our sister Laboratories and most government agencies, but is consistent with how large Tier 1 research Universities typically structure their approach. We believe that the small reduction in efficiencies is more than offset by the flexibility this approach this provides,…