The Federal Office of Management and Budget implements the Clinger Cohen Act which mandates a cross-cut budget and planning system known as CPIC. While most observers believe that Clinger-Cohen was intended to exclude investments at FFRDC M&O National Laboratories, DOE has historically required us to file these reports.
LBNL actively manages its IT Investments in keeping with the practices of good project management and transparency to our overseers. LBNL reports information regarding LBNL's IT Investments through the CPIC process to DOE even though the CPIC process per se is not how M&O contractors of the Department of Energy allocate IT resources..
The LBNL Office of the CIO is responsible for developing forward looking cross-cut IT estimates, known as Schedule 53s. Larger IT projects are known as Schedule 300s, and are managed by the Programs that implement them. In both cases, 53s and 300s are technically input to DOE Federal Staff who are responsible for the CPIC reports.
Normally, the Federal side of the CPIC process should be transparent to most researchers at LBNL. However, if you ever receive an inquiry directly from a DOE Program Manager or have any questions, we would be happy to assist you.
Please contact the LBNL CPIC Point of Contact, Helen Cadermatori