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    SJHA Process – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis

    Publication date:


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    Policy Summary

    The Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) Program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is a work authorization tool that helps SJHA requesters take responsibility for ensuring that all nonconstruction subcontractor work is performed safely and in accordance with regulations by:

    • Completing the SJHA form.
    • Reviewing the SJHA and validating hazards and controls with the subcontractor.
    • Providing work oversight to ensure the subcontractor is performing the work as authorized.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    This policy applies to Berkeley Lab subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates who perform nonconstruction, hands-on work.

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab on this wiki page

    To Read the ES&H Program Details, Go To:

    ES&H Manual Chapter 31

    Contact Information

    SJHA Program Manager
    Operations Support Team
    Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Division


    SJHA Process – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    The Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is a work authorization tool that helps SJHA requesters take responsibility for ensuring that all nonconstruction subcontractor work is performed safely and in accordance with regulations by:

    • Completing the SJHA form.
    • Reviewing the SJHA and validating hazards and controls with the subcontractor.
    • Providing work oversight to ensure the subcontractor is performing the work as authorized.

    SJHAs are implemented through the password-protected online SJHA System.

    B. Persons Affected

    This policy applies to Berkeley Lab subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates who perform nonconstruction hands-on work at facilities owned or leased by Berkeley Lab.

    C. Exceptions

    This policy does not apply to activities or services that do not involve on-site, hands-on work. Examples of service providers that may be excluded may include, but are not limited to:

    • Consultants.
    • Personal services agreements.
    • Contract labor.
    • Intra-university transactions.
    • Advanced Light Source and other user-facility affiliates addressed by another work authorization mechanism.
    • Other university agreements.
    • Subcontractors, vendors, or affiliates who are already covered by Berkeley Lab's Work Planning and Control program.

    D. Policy Statement

    1. Berkeley Lab ensures that all subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates performing hands-on work at facilities owned or leased by Berkeley Lab do so in a safe manner that complies with applicable regulations (Work Process A).
    2. Before hands-on work (see Section F, "Definitions/Acronyms," of this policy) can be performed by subcontractors, vendors, or affiliates at Laboratory facilities, the following activities must be completed:
      1. A Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA) form must be created and made active after signing (Work Process B).
      2. A pre-job meeting must take place between the requester and the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate.
    3. Nonconstruction subcontractors must review the ES&H Orientation for Nonconstruction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates at the pre-job meeting or otherwise prior to working on-site (Work Process C).
    4. The SJHA work authorization process may also be used for simple facility repairs conducted by subcontractors. These simple activities are generally accomplished by a single craft on a single day. Activities that are more complex or involve construction activities must use the construction, Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) process.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities



    Managers, supervisors, and employees

    • Adhere to the provisions of this policy by ensuring that subcontractors performing hands-on work at their request have completed the SJHA process before work begins.

    Division Safety Coordinator

    • Provides his/her division with Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H) support for implementing the requirements of the SJHA Program. Requests support from the EHS Division SJHA Program Manager and EHS subject matter experts, when necessary.

    EHS Division SJHA Program Manager

    • Provides the requesting division with guidance, leadership, and direct consultative services in SJHA policy and program implementation.
    • Monitors the Laboratory's performance in SJHA policy and program implementation.
    • Maintains the SJHA Program.

    Procurement Department

    • Communicates the SJHA policy and program requirements to subcontract bidders and awardees.
    • Requests that each subcontractor and vendor complete an SJHA and review the Berkeley Lab ES&H Orientation for Nonconstruction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates pamphlet before performing hands-on work at a Laboratory facility.
    • Monitors subcontractor and vendor performance, including ES&H compliance.

    SJHA Requester

    • Responsible and accountable for ensuring the subcontractor's safety.
    • Ensures that an SJHA is prepared for the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate who will perform hands-on work at a Laboratory facility; a pre-job meeting is held between the requester and the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate before work is performed; and the SJHA is made "active" prior to work commencing.
    • Signs the SJHA and thereby authorizes the work to be performed followed by uploading the SJHA to the SJHA System to make it "active."
    • Obtains safe work authorizations, permits, work plans, submittals, etc., for the scope of work to be performed by the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate.
    • Provides and records safety oversight of the subcontractors using the risk-based graded approach described in the ES&H Manual SJHA Process – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis program.

    Subcontractor, vendor, and affiliate

    • Provide input on the SJHA and submit it to the SJHA requester.
    • Review the Berkeley Lab ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates pamphlet.
    • Attend the pre-job meeting and discuss the steps of the work scope and associated hazards and controls.
    • Sign the SJHA and any required safe work authorizations, permits, work plans, etc.
    • Agree to work in conformance with the authorized conditions.
    • Perform the scope of work as authorized in a safe manner.

    F. Definitions/Acronyms




    Non-Laboratory employees engaged in on-site Laboratory activities. Affiliates are subject to training in safety and other subjects. They are also issued a Berkeley Lab identification badge. Affiliates may receive system accounts, research access to facilities, and a per diem allowance for housing and living expenses. Examples: facility users, scientific collaborators, students

    Hands-on work

    Includes all activities except administrative office work and other similar activities.
    Although not limited to the following, these activities are examples of hands-on work:

    • Activities involving the use of hand or power tools.
    • Repair or service of a device, apparatus, machine, or mechanism.
    • Material handling involving use of hand or power tools.
    • Handling or disposing of a chemical; a compressed gas; or a hazardous, radioactive, or biohazardous material.

    Although not limited to the following, these activities are typically not defined as hands-on work, unless there is a hands-on work component involving tools or other form of safety risk factor:

    • Office and administrative duties.
    • Computer programming.
    • Attending or making a presentation.
    • Supervision of a worker(s) who is not performing hands-on work.
    • Document archiving.
    • Financial auditing.
    • Photography.
    • Language translation.
    • Vending machine delivery and stocking.
    • Water delivery with no maintenance involved.
    • General deliveries or pickup of items with no complex material handling or tools involved.

    High-level hazard work

    Any activity that requires a safe work authorization document (e.g., LOTO Permit, Penetration Permit, Radiological Work Authorization, etc.) as described in the ES&H Manual Work Planning and Control and Radiation Safety programs

    Low-level hazard work

    An activity that does not require an additional safe work authorization document (e.g., any kind of work permit, site specific work plan, etc.)

    Nonconstruction work

    Activities that do not create a new facility, or alter, add to, rehabilitate, dismantle, or remove an existing facility, including any combination of engineering, procurement, erection, installation, assembly, demolition, or fabrication. Nonconstruction work also excludes the alteration and repair (including dredging, excavating, and painting) of buildings, structures, or other real property, as well as any construction and excavation activities conducted as part of environmental remediation efforts (see the ES&H Manual Construction Health & Safety program).

    SJHA Program

    An EHS Division program that provides guidance, leadership, and direct consultative services to divisions for the implementation of the policy and requirements in this chapter

    SJHA Requester

    An individual in a Berkeley Lab division who is listed as the SJHA requester on the SJHA, who is responsible and accountable for the subcontractor, vendor, or affiliate and for ensuring the work is performed safely

    Requisition preparer

    A Berkeley Lab worker who is trained and authorized to use procurement software programs for initiating requisitions and purchase orders

    Risk-Based Graded Approach

    • A process to ensure that work activities are efficiently managed through systems that are adequate to, and commensurate with, the risk involved in the activity
    • Risks include potential impact to worker or public health and safety, threats to the environment, consequences of noncompliance, and cost impacts
    • The risk-based approach considers whether or not work is hands-on, includes low or high hazards and complexity of the work in order to determine if a written authorization (beyond the SJHA) is required and what level of worker oversight is necessary by the SJHA requester


    A firm that has sole contractual responsibility for execution of defined work related to a project, and for compliance with all safety, health, and environmental codes, standards, and regulations

    Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis (SJHA)

    An SJHA:

    • Describes the scope of work to be performed.
    • Identifies work hazards and controls.
    • Is the work authorization document for subcontractors, vendors, and affiliates. When required, other safe work authorizations are obtained and appended to the SJHA. Maximum duration of an SJHA is one year, but it may be renewed indefinitely. Authorizations and restrictions stipulated by any required safe work authorizations supersede those in the SJHA.


    An entity that sells a product for which installation or warranty service may be provided

    G. Recordkeeping Requirements

    Completed SJHAs and related documents (i.e., safe work authorizations, evidence of training, worker-related submittals, site specific work plans, etc.) must be maintained in the SJHA system by the requester.

    H. Implementing Documents

    Document number



    SJHA – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis


    Work Process A, SJHA Process Overview

    Work Process

    Work Process B, Creating an SJHA

    Work Process

    Work Process C, Training and Orientation

    Work Process

    ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates

    Orientation pamphlet

    ES&H Manual Chapter 6, Work Planning and Control


    Electrical Safety


    Construction Health & Safety


    I. Contact Information

    SJHA Program Manager
    Operations Support Team
    Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Division

    J. Revision History



    By Whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) Affected

    Change Type



    M. Ruggieri

    Re-write for wiki (brief)





    M. Ruggieri

    Re-write for wiki (policy)





    R. Connelly

    Periodic review





    SJHA Process – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis)

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:

    Safe Work Authorization

    RPM Section (home)


    RPM Section (cross-reference)


    Functional Division


    Prior reference information (optional)

    ES&H Manual Chapter 31

    Source Requirements Documents

    • 10 CFR 851, Worker Health and Safety Program
    • PUB-3581, Work Health and Safety Program, Section 1.6, Flow Down of 851 Requirements to Subcontractor

    Related Berkeley Lab Policies

    • ES&H Manual Chapter 6, Work Planning and Control

    Implementing Documents

    Document number



    SJHA – Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis


    Work Process A, SJHA Process Overview

    Work Process

    Work Process B, Creating an SJHA

    Work Process

    Work Process C, Training and Orientation

    Work Process

    ES&H Orientation for Non-Construction Subcontractors, Vendors & Affiliates

    Orientation pamphlet

    ES&H Manual Chapter 6, Work Planning and Control


    Electrical Safety


    Construction Health & Safety


    • No labels