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    Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Training

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    Policy Summary

    The Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Training Program explains the requirements and purpose of EHS training at Berkeley Lab. It also explains the roles and responsibilities for the development, delivery, and assignment of training requirements.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    Berkeley Lab employees, affiliates, students, visitors, contractors, subcontractors, and vendors whenever they are planning and performing work at the Laboratory and off-site user locations and facilities, including UC Berkeley controlled spaces

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab on this wiki page

    To Read the EHS Program Details, Go To:

    ES&H Manual, Chapter 24

    Contact Information

    For assistance with EHS Training, contact:
    Training Program Assistant
    (510) 495-2228

    For questions regarding the EHS Training Program, contact:
    EHS Subject Matter Expert for EHS Training


    Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Training

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    The EHS Training Program explains the requirements and purpose of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) training. It also explains the roles and responsibilities for the development, delivery, and assignment of training requirements.

    B. Persons Affected

    Berkeley Lab employees, affiliates, students, visitors, contractors, subcontractors, and vendors whenever they are planning and performing work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and LBNL controlled off-site user locations and facilities, including UC Berkeley controlled spaces.

    C. Exceptions

    1. Waivers from required training may be granted by the Work Lead through the work authorization processes. Waivers may be given for one of three reasons:
      1. The individual has sufficient skills, knowledge, and ability in that subject area to enable him/her to perform the work safely and within compliance of all Berkeley Lab policies without fulfilling the training requirement.
      2. The work being performed by the individual is below the level of hazard that necessitates this institutional training requirement.
      3. The individual works solely at the UC Berkeley campus and this work is governed by UC Berkeley EHS requirements.
    2. The EHS Training Program Manager (or designee) may grant training credit by equivalence. Certain training received from other Department of Energy (DOE) facilities or related institutions (e.g., UC Berkeley) is recognized as equivalent upon receipt of proper training documentation, and concurrence by EHS Training and the SME associated with the training topic.

    D. Policy Statement

    1. Berkeley Lab policy and federal law require that all Berkeley Lab staff, affiliates, visitors, and others who perform work at, or for, the Laboratory receive appropriate training necessary to protect their health, and to perform work in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
    2. EHS Training requirements originate from many sources:
      1. DOE regulations, California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) regulations, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations
      2. California Code of Regulations (Titles 8 and 22), Berkeley Lab's environmental permits
      3. The Laboratory's Operating and Assurance Program
      4. The Laboratory's policies and best practices covering specific hazards
    3. How training requirements are identified:
      1. Training requirements are interpreted and promulgated to the individual employee through the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) processes of defining work, analyzing hazards, identifying required controls, performing the work according to the controls, and providing feedback and continuous improvement.
      2. Work Planning and Control (WPC) and other work authorization programs as means for identifying, analyzing, and controlling work, which includes identification of required training
      3. Supervisors or Work Leads are responsible for analyzing work, including identifying EHS Training requirements, for staff (including affiliates and students) under their direction. 
    4. Purpose of EHS Training requirements:
      1. The purpose of EHS required training is to help ensure that all Berkeley Lab personnel are aware of the hazards associated with their jobs, understand the health and safety effects of exposure to those hazards, know how to protect themselves and those around them, and know how to perform operations safely and in accordance with all environmental protection requirements.
        1. This includes understanding the job hazards, the methods for controlling those hazards, the possible health effects and environmental impacts, and the required work practices and operating procedures.
    5. Job-specific and on-the-job training (OJT):
      1. OJT is used to supplement general EHS Training to provide detailed instructions and controls for performing a specific task or operation.
      2. OJT is training conducted and evaluated in the work environment through interaction between line management and the staff.
      3. Hazard-specific training explains the specific health and safety hazards of an operation and must include information on health effects, risks, and proper means of protection.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities



    Supervisor or Work Lead

    • Identifies and ensures completion of EHS Training requirements for staff and affiliates under his or her direction
    • Provides and documents OJT as required

    EHS Training Group

    • Develops an EHS Training curriculum that addresses pertinent regulatory requirements, Laboratory policy, and best practices
    • Works with line managers, instructors, and subject-matter experts to develop course objectives, instructional strategies, assessments, and training evaluation
    • Works with divisions and line management to develop and evaluate division-specific EHS Training programs and new EH&S courses
    • Works with line management to identify and complete all required EHS Training
    • Provides Berkeley Lab staff with EHS Training courses that offer the necessary knowledge and awareness to operate in a safe and environmentally protective manner
    • Establishes and implements EHS Training procedures and policies
    • Reviews and approves institutional EHS courses
    • Provides mechanisms to track training completion
    • Works with line management to develop OJT programs that result in direct skill transference to the job
    • Ensures that training-related records and reports are accessible for use by Laboratory management
    • Works with line management to qualify EHS instructors

    Safety Advisory Committee (SAC)

    • Provides input on EHS Training Program policies
    • Reviews and provides advice as requested on significant changes to EH&S Training requirements as well as newly proposed courses to ensure these efforts meet the needs of the Laboratory and achieve necessary regulatory compliance


    EHS Division line management is responsible for determining the qualifications and the most appropriate candidate for teaching an EHS course. This recommendation must be approved by the EHS Training Program Manager.

    F. Definitions/Acronyms


    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    Recordkeeping Requirement

    EHS Training Group

    EHS Training records: DOE Administrative Records Schedule 29.2 Administrative Training Records.

    H. Implementing Documents

    Document number

    PUB-3000 Reference



    Chapter 24

    EHS Training


    I. Contact Information

    For assistance with EHS Training, contact:
    Training Program Assistant
    (510) 495-2228

    For questions regarding the EHS Training Program, contact:
    EHS Subject Matter Expert for EHS Training

    J. Revision History



    By whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) affected

    Change Type

    6/29/2020 1.2 J. Basore Reference update to Cal/OSHA to reflect 10 CFR 851 variance D, Source Requirements Minor



    J. Basore

    Review completed 8/7/2013; change EH&S to EHS,add clarification C.2, remove listed Work Processes, update Next Review date

    C.2, H, Implementing Docs




    J. Basore

    Rewrite for wiki





    Environment, Health & Safety Training

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:

    EH&S Training

    RPM Section (home)


    RPM Section (cross-reference)


    Functional Division


    Prior reference information (optional)

    ES&H Manual, Chapter 24

    Source Requirements Documents

    • 10 CFR 851.25, DOE Worker Safety and Health Program, Training and Information
    • Cal/OSHA CCR, Title 8, Subchapter 7, General Industrial Safety Standards
    • Cal/OSHA CCR, Title 8, Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders
    • 10 CFR 835.103, Occupational Radiation Protection at Department of Energy Facilities, Environmental Protection Standards

    Implementing Documents

    Document number

    PUB-3000 Reference



    Chapter 24

    EHS Training


    • No labels