As of Thursday, Feb 17, anyone with a Lab account has access to Google Video. This allows you to store videos and then reference them from links in email or on websites. Our first successful use of this new capability was achieved by Anne Boynton, Emergency Services Specialist.  Anne loaded the presentations made at the most recent Building Managers and BET Quarterly Seminar into Google Video for viewing. The meeting was held on January 25, 2011 and features talks by Chief Bruce Martins, City of Fremont Fire Department and Bill Nay, Security Consultant.

According to Rocky Saunders, Emergency Services Manager,  videos stored on Google,  "are going to be mostly emergency services training tools.   The video  feature in Google offers the Emergency Services Program a great tool to easily make video clips readily available to either a targeted segment of the lab, such as Building Emergency Teams, or they can be available to the entire lab."

Access Google Video by clicking on the video link when you are in any of our core Google products (Gmail, Gcal, Gdocs, Gsites) using your Lab account.  When you do, the screen you see will look like this.  Note that the video can be shared with anyone at the lab, but cannot be shared outside the lab (this is the right tool for content that is restricted to lab staff). For an overview of video distribution options at the Lab, visit Labtech.

Here are some options and support levels for various video sharing services:

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