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| Title: | Elevated Work | Publication date: |
Policy Summary
The Elevated Work Program at Berkeley Lab ensures that the equipment and structures for accessing and working at elevated levels are maintained and operated according to safe practices and regulations. The Elevated Work Program also:
- Establishes minimum performance requirements for elevated work at the Laboratory
- Provides training and familiarization for elevated work operations, policies, and procedures
- Provides work oversight to ensure personnel performing elevated work are authorized
- Reviews elevated work observation metrics to forecast safe and unsafe trends of employees performing work
Who Should Read This Policy
Contact Information
Card |
| Title: | Elevated Work | Publication date: |
Details of this policy have not yet been converted to the new format.
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Contact Information
EH&S Division
Occupational Safety Group
[email protected]
Whom | Revision Description | Section(s) |
Affected | Change Type | 1/2/2012 | 0 | M. Rice |
| 10/23/2012 | 1 | M. Rice | Rewrite for wiki | All | Minor | 9/13/2017 | 1.1 | E. Tucker | Update | All | Minor | 10/15/2019 | 2 | E. Tucker | Program update – adoption of Cal/OSHA and ANSI/ASSP requirements | All | Moderate | 8/16/2023 | 2.1 | E. Tucker | Policy re-directed to ES&H Manual Chapter 35 | All | Editorial |
Card |
label | Document Information |
| Title: | Elevated Work | Document number | | Revision number |
Industrial Hygiene and Safety | RPM Section (home) |
ESH | RPM Section (cross-reference) |
EHS | Prior reference information (optional) |
Source Requirements Documents |
- 10 CFR 851.23, Worker Safety and Health Program, Safety and Health Standards
- 29 CFR 1926
Implementing Documents
Remove this text after wiki tabs are set. End Document Info.
- , Subpart M, Fall Protection
Wiki Markup |
29 CFR 1910.68(e), _Periodic Inspections \[of Manlifts\]_ |
Wiki Markup |
29 CFR 1910.25 (b), _Materials \[Wood Ladders\]_ |
Wiki Markup |
29 CFR 1910.66 (i), _Operations \[of Powered Platforms for Building Maintenance\]_ |
- CCR Title 8 Subchapter, Article 24. Elevating Work Platforms and Aerial Devices
- CCR Title 8 Subchapter 4 Articles 21 and 22, Subchapter 7 Article 23 (Cal/OSHA) and adoption of ANSI/ASSP A10.8-2019 Scaffolding Safety Requirements
- ANSI/SAIA_A92.22-2018 and A92.24-2018 MEWP Standards
Show If |
| Card |
label | Additional Information |
Title: | Elevated Work | Document number | | Revision number |
Industrial Hygiene and Safety | RPM Section (home) |
ESH | RPM Section (cross-reference) | None | Functional Division |
EHS | Author name/contact info | M. Rice |
| Revision 0 publication date | 1/2/2012 | Retirement date |
n/a | Prior reference information (optional) | PUB-3000, Chapter 5, Section 5.2 |
| Inputs from more than one Functional Area? |
No | List additional Functional Areas & contacts |
| Inputs from more than one Policy Area? |
No | List additional Policy Areas & contacts |
| 30-day notification needed? |
n/a |
Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) |
Note: author is responsible |
Keyword search words, phrases:- AWPs, Aerial Work Platforms, Elevated Work Program, ladders, scaffolds, Fall Protection
Key labels/tags:
New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list:- (list items not found and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy)
Implementing Documents restricted to department/functional use(optional – these will be used for tracing between requirements and associated documents) |
... | Elevated Work — Aerial Work Platforms, Ladders, and Scaffolds |
Side bars: Side bar 1 location (cite by Policy Section # - for example: Section |
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