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|Title: |Mail Services|
|Publication date: |9/19/2012|
|Effective date: |6/14/2011|
h3.{anchor:MailServices-B-PolicySummary}Policy Summary
Berkeley Lab processes mail only for official Laboratory business.
Mail Services ensures that the Laboratory's domestic mail, international mail, and interoffice mail is picked up, sorted, and delivered to on- or off-site locations. The Laboratory uses government funds to provide postage for outgoing mail addressed to an off-site location.
h3.{anchor:MailServices-B-WhoShouldReadThisPolicy}Who Should Read This Policy
This policy applies to all Berkeley Lab employees and affiliates.
h3.{anchor:MailServices-B-ToReadtheFullPolicy%2CGoT}To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page{anchor:MailServices-B-ContactInformation}
h3.Contact Information
[Contracts and Fleet Manager|]
Facilities Division


|Title: |Mail Services|
|Publication date: |9/19/2012|
|Effective date: |6/14/2011|
h3.A. Purpose
This policy provides guidance on the requirements for the management and use of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) internal mail system.
h3.B. Persons Affected
This policy applies to all Berkeley Lab employees and affiliates.
h3. C. Exceptions
h3.D. Policy Statement
The Laboratory's mail system is intended to process only official mail, which is mail that results from the performance of duties directly related to official Laboratory business. The Laboratory uses government funds to provide postage on outgoing mail. Using Laboratory-furnished postage for other than official business mail is a violation of Laboratory policy and the Laboratory's contractual obligations to DOE. Examples of mail not considered official are gifts, calendars, Christmas cards, and resumes sent to other organizations. In addition, the Laboratory's mail system may not be used for stamped personal mail. Similarly, the mail system may not be used for incoming personal mail (e.g., personal correspondence, bank and credit statements, popular magazines, clothing catalogs, gift packages). Incoming mail of a personal nature may be refused or returned to sender at the discretion of the Mail Services Supervisor.
h3.E. Roles and Responsibilities
Managers, supervisors, employees, and affiliates have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.
h3.F. Definitions/Acronyms 
h3.G. Recordkeeping Requirements
The subcontractor is responsible for recording daily incoming, outgoing and internal mail piece counts.
h3.H. Implementing Documents 
|*Document Number*|*Title*|*Type*|
| |[U.S. Postal Service Web site|] |Web site|
||[Statement of Work for LBNL Mail Services|] |Procedure|
h3.I. Contact Information
[Contracts and Fleet Manager|]
Facilities Division
h3.J. Revision History
|*Date*|*Revision*|*By whom*|*Revision Description*|*Section(s) affected*|*Change Type*|
|1/2/2012|0|B. Llewellyn|Re-write for wiki (brief)|All|Minor|
|9/19/2012|1|K. Porter|Re-write for wiki (policy)|All|Minor|

{card:label=Document Information}


|Title: |Mail Services|
|Document number||
|Revision number|1|
|Publication date: |9/19/2012|
|Effective date: |6/14/2011|
|Next review date:|9/20/2015|
|Policy Area:|Contracting Services|
|RPM Section (home)|Facilities Management|
|RPM Section (cross-reference)| |
|Functional Division|Facilities|
|Prior reference information (optional)|RPM Section 1.19|
h3.Source Requirements Documents 
41 CFR Part 102-192, [{_}Mail Management_|]
[Ethics and Conduct at Berkeley Lab|],
h3.Implementing Documents 
|*Document Number*|*Title*|*Type*|
| |[U.S. Postal Service Web site|] |Web site|
||[Statement of Work for LBNL Mail Services|] |Procedure|

{card:label=Additional Information}

|Title: |Mail Services|
|Document number||
|Revision number|1|
|Publication date: |9/19/2012|
|Effective date: |6/14/2011|
|Next review date:|9/19/2015|
|Policy Area:|Contracting Services|
|RPM Section (home)|Facilities Management|
|RPM Section (cross-reference)| |
|Functional Division |Facilities|
|Author name/contact info|K. Porter{anchor:_GoBack}|
| | |
|Revision 0 publication date|1/2/2012|
|Retirement date|n/a|
|Prior reference information (optional)|RPM Section 1.19|
| | |
|Inputs from more than one Functional Area?|No|
|List additional Functional Areas & contacts| |
| | |
|Inputs from more than one Policy Area?|No|
|List additional Policy Areas & contacts| |
| | |
|30-day notification needed?|No|
|30-day start date|n/a|
|30-day end date|n/a|
| | |
|LDAP protected?|No|
| | |
|Need TABL reminders?|No|
|Brief reminder text:|n/a|
| | |
|Approval Sheet for this revision received (date)  \\
\[Note: author is responsible\}| |
