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{dojo-tabs:theme=tundra} {dojo-tab:title=Brief} | Title:|Corrective Action and Discipline| |Publication date:|1/2/2012| |Effective date:|9/30/2002| h2.BRIEF h3.Policy Summary Berkeley Lab recognizes that situations may occur that require appropriate corrective action leading to improvement of an employee's job performance and/or conduct. h3.Who Should Read This Policy * This policy applies to the following employee classifications: Career, Term, Limited, Faculty, Visiting Researcher, Rehired Retiree, Graduate Student Research Assistant, and Student Assistant. * This policy applies to nonrepresented employees. Represented employees should consult their collective bargaining agreement. h3.To Read the Full Policy, Go To: h3.[|] h3.Contact Information For more information, contact your division's [Human Resources (HR) Center|]. Feedback on HR policies or procedures is welcomed. Send comments to [[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]]. \\ End Brief \\ \\ {dojo-tab} {dojo-tab:title=Policy} |Title: |Corrective Action and Discipline| |Publication date: |1/2/2012| |Effective date: |9/30/2002| h2.POLICY Details of this policy have not yet been converted to the new format. Please go to this page to find the details: h3.[|] h3.Contact Information For more information, contact your division's [Human Resources (HR) Center|]. Feedback on HR policies or procedures is welcomed. Send comments to [[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]]. h3.Revision History |*Date*|*Revision*|*By whom*|*Revision Description*|*Section(s) affected*|*Change Type*| |1/2/2012|0|M. Bello|Rewrite for wiki|all|Minor| \\ End Policy. \\ {dojo-tab} {dojo-tab:title=Document Information} h2.DOCUMENT INFORMATION |Title: |Corrective Action and Discipline| |Document number|| |Revision number|0| |Publication date: |1/2/2012| |Effective date: |9/30/2002| |Next review date:|1/2/2015| |Policy Area:|Problem Resolution| |RPM Section (home)|Human Resources| |RPM Section (cross-reference)|RPM Section 2.05(C)| |Functional Division|Human Resources| |Prior reference information (optional)|RPM Section 2.05(C)| h3.Source Requirements Documents |*Source*|*Document number & effective date*|*Document title*| |Department of Energy (DOE)|DE-AC02-05CH11231, Mod No. M046, Sec. J, App. A|[Advanced Understandings on Human Resources|] | |University of California (UC)|PPSM 62, \\ March 1, 2002|[Corrective Action – Professional and Support Staff|] | h3.Implementing Documents ||*Audience*||*Document Number*||*Document Title* ||*Type*|| |HR Staff|h3.|h3.Disciplinary Warning Letter|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Disciplinary Warning – Unacceptable Performance|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Dismissal Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Intent to Dismiss Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Intent to Suspend Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Investigatory Leave Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Notice of Suspension|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.PIP 30 – 60 Day Report|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.PIP Completion|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Preparation Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Release during Probationary Period|Form \\ | \\ End Document Info. \\ \\ {dojo-tab} {builder-show:group=rpm2-admins} {dojo-tab:title=Additional Information} h2.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION |Title: |Corrective Action and Discipline| |Document number|| |Revision number|0| |Publication date: |1/2/2012| |Effective date: |9/30/2002| |Next review date:|1/2/2015| |Policy Area:|Problem Resolution| |RPM Section (home)|Human Resources| |RPM Section (cross-reference)|RPM Section 2.05(C)| |Functional Division |Human Resources| |Author name/contact info|M. Bello| | | | |Revision 0 publication date|9/30/2002| |Retirement date|n/a| |Prior reference information (optional)|RPM Section 2.21(C and D)| | | | |Inputs from more than one Functional Area?|Yes| |List additional Functional Areas & contacts|Ann del Simone, Legal Counsel \\ UCOP HR Policies| | | | |Inputs from more than one Policy Area?|Yes| |List additional Policy Areas & contacts|Cynthia Coolahan, HR Systems & Services Manager \\ Victor Roberts, ELR Manager \\ Leslie Cobb, ELR \\ Shada Kuba, ELR| | | | |30-day notification needed?|No| |30-day start date|n/a| |30-day end date|n/a| | | | |LDAP protected?|Yes| | | | |Need TABL reminders?|No| |Frequency|n/a| |Brief reminder text:|n/a| | | | |Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) \\ \[Note: author is responsible\}| | h3.Key labels/tags: Release, termination, end of appointment, appointment end date, terminated h3.New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list: None h3.Implementing Documents Restricted to Department/Functional Use ||*Audience*||*Document Number*||*Document Title* ||*Type*|| |HR Staff|h3.|h3.Disciplinary Warning Letter|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Disciplinary Warning – Unacceptable Performance|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Dismissal Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Intent to Dismiss Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Intent to Suspend Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Investigatory Leave Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Notice of Suspension|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.PIP 30 – 60 Day Report|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.PIP Completion|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Preparation Memo|Form \\ | |HR Staff|h3.–01|h3.Release during Probationary Period|Form \\ | \\ \\ \\ *Side bars: None* \\ \\ End Additional Information {dojo-tab} {builder-show} {dojo-tabs} |
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