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Safety Tips for Navigating in Less Daylight
More of the afternoon commute will be in the dusk and dark as we approach the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere on Dec. 21. According to safety experts, this makes it harder for drivers to see due to compromised depth perception, color recognition, and peripheral vision. It is also harder to see our wildlife that may be foraging in the late afternoon. Go here for safety and security tips. |
Personal Accountability Drill Tomorrow at 8 a.m.
On Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 8 a.m., all Lab employees, affiliates, and contractors will receive a text message and email, followed by a phone call, from the emergency LabAlert system. The messages will request a reply from each individual asking them to respond with their status and whereabouts. Only one response is needed, but it is critical that staff respond. More> |
Recent Mountain Lion Sighting Near Lawrence Hall of Science
On Thursday, Nov. 8 at approximately 6:32 p.m., UCPD received a report of a mountain lion sighting at Lawrence Hall of Science near Berkeley Lab’s fence line. Lab staff are encouraged to review this safety information. Additional information about wildlife sightings can be found in the Berkeley Lab Emergency Guide. |
Lab Submits Variance to Move From Fed/OSHA to Cal/OSHA
The Lab will submit an application to the Department of Energy to use the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) safety standards rather than Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Fed/OSHA). The Lab’s current safety program also follows the Code of Federal Regulations 851, which is unique to the Department of Energy labs. More> |
MSD’s Rosemary Williams Awarded Safety Hero Prize
Rosemary Williams — an administrative assistant in the Materials Sciences Division — is a recent recipient of Berkeley Lab’s quarterly “Safety Hero” $50 raffle prize for helping to prevent injuries in her office area. More> |
Be Prepared, Stay Safe in the Event of an Earthquake on the Hill
Given the Lab's unique challenges as a scientific facility located in the midst of an urban environment, earthquake preparation requires extra planning and preparation. To help address potential fall-out from an earthquake, the Lab has three programs in place: a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT), and Damage Assessment Team (DAT), which ensures lab operations and systems can be assessed and recovered. There are also has six disaster containers (one in each zone) throughout the campus, which are filled with water, food, and medical supplies. More> |
FEMA to Test Public Alert and Warning System Today
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct a nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) at 11:18 a.m. and Emergency Alert System (EAS) at 11:20 a.m. today. The WEA test will be sent to cell phones connected to participating providers. The EAS is a warning system that allows the president to address the nation during a national emergency via radio and television broadcasts. More> |
Mountain Lion Sighted Last Night Near Building 88
A mountain lion sighting in the vicinity of Building 88 was reported on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at approximately 7:30 p.m. Lab staff are encouraged to review this safety information. Additional information about wildlife sightings can be found in the Berkeley Lab Emergency Guide. |