Blog from September, 2016








You may have noticed the temporary neon-colored safety messages popping up in high traffic areas. They are the invention of a Berkeley Lab Safety Culture Work Group subcommittee whose task it was to create awareness around slip, trip, and fall prevention. The stenciling campaign involved brainstorming for catchphrases such as “Handrails, There for a Reason,” “Get a Grip,” and “A fall, a slip, a hospital trip.” Those ended up in the recycle bin, but the three top candidates are now in pink, green, and blue, inviting pedestrians to hold the rail, walk mindfully, and pocket your phone. The chalk is designed to wash away with the coming rain, but the hope is that the message remains.

“We’ve had some grievous injuries lately due to slips, trips and falls,” states Lab COO Glenn Kubiak.  “The objective of this campaign is to create awareness about the little things we all can do to prevent these incidents and injuries. I think it’s a great demonstration of some of the key elements of Berkeley Lab’s safety culture, including having employees help each other to be safe...with a little humor thrown in to help get people’s attention and leaven a serious situation.”

Another invention of the subcommittee is the Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention video produced by summer intern Haley Sutton:

If you are interested in joining a Safety Culture Work Group subcommittee for future safety awareness projects such as these, contact Kat Wentworth, Safety Culture Work Group Chair at [email protected].