Blog from October, 2012

People are watching out for each other. And they’re doing it from all over the Lab - so say the Safety Spot Award program's end-of-FY12 numbers.

Participation in the program spread to 20 LBNL divisions/organizations and there were so many winners this past year that all $6,000 in prizes was exhausted. Do this many awards mean the Lab is becoming a dangerous place? “Quite the contrary,” says Andrew Peterson, Award Program Manager. “More people are aware of the program and care enough about the safety of their colleagues to nominate the deeds of those who go the extra mile.” Safety Spot winners from FY12 forward will be receiving the new Safety Is Elemental pin, which is given in appreciation to those whose efforts continue to integrate safe practices into activities at work and beyond.  Click here to nominate a colleague or view current and past Safety Spot Award winners. 


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Date: 10/09/12

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