Title: |
Environmental Management System |
Publication date: |
4/27/2021 |
Effective date: |
4/3/2009 |
Policy Summary
Through its Environmental Management System (EMS), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has established a broad-based environmental policy stating that it is committed to:
- Complying with applicable environmental, public health, and resource conservation laws and regulations.
- Preventing pollution, minimizing waste, and conserving natural resources.
- Correcting environmental hazards and cleaning up existing environmental problems.
- Continually improving the Laboratory's environmental performance while maintaining operational capability and sustaining the overall mission of the Laboratory.
Who Should Read This Policy
All Berkeley Lab employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors
To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page
To Read the ES&H Program Details, Go To:
Environmental Management System Program Manual (PUB-3180)
Contact Information
Environmental Services Group
EHS Division
[email protected]
Title: |
Environmental Management System |
Publication date: |
4/27/2021 |
Effective date: |
4/3/2009 |
A. Purpose
Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, established the policy that federal agencies conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities in a manner that is environmentally, economically, and fiscally sound; integrated; continually improving; efficient; and sustainable. Subsequently, Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, expanded on this policy to require federal agencies to lead by example in creating a clean energy economy that will promote energy security, safeguard the environment, and increase the nation's prosperity. In response to these actions, the Department of Energy (DOE) approved DOE Order 436.1, Departmental Sustainability, to manage sustainability activities within the department. The purpose of this directive is to:
- Ensure that the DOE carries out its missions in a sustainable manner that addresses national energy security and global environmental challenges, and advances sustainable, efficient, and reliable energy for the future.
- Institute wholesale cultural change to factor sustainability and greenhouse gas reductions into all DOE corporate management decisions.
- Ensure that the DOE achieves the sustainability goals established in the annual DOE Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan pursuant to applicable laws, regulations, and Executive Orders, related performance scorecards, and sustainability initiatives.
The directive's objectives flow down from DOE Order 436.1 to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) through a Contract 31 requirement that Berkeley Lab have an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place that is either certified to or conforms with the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 14001:2004(E) standard.
The federal guides for these executive orders were revoked in 2015 after publication of the current ISO standard, as they are no longer applicable. Furthermore, DOE Order 436.1 has not been updated to reference the updated ISO 14001 (2015) standard or incorporate the requirements in Executive Order 13369, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade or Executive Order 13834, Efficient Federal Operations. To compensate for these changes, DOE issued guidance in October 2016 on annual reporting and external audits/declaration of conformance of an EMS to the current version of ISO 14001.
B. Persons Affected
This policy applies to all individuals at Berkeley Lab: employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors. The degree to which individuals are involved in carrying out the policy varies. This is described below in Section E, Roles and Responsibilities, and presented graphically in the Process tab of this policy.
C. Exceptions
D. Policy Statement
- Berkeley Lab's Environmental Management System is a structured process designed to maintain compliance of Berkeley Lab programs with environmental laws and regulations, and minimize overall environmental impacts. The framework for achieving these objectives is an environmental policy with the following requirements that apply to all staff, affiliates, subcontractors, and visitors:
- Comply with applicable environmental, public health, and resource conservation laws and regulations.
- Prevent pollution, minimize waste, and conserve natural resources.
- Correct environmental hazards and clean up existing environmental problems.
- Continually improve the Laboratory's environmental performance while maintaining operational capability and sustaining the overall mission of the Laboratory.
- Administering this policy through the Berkeley Lab EMS requires the following measures:
- Initiating a core leadership team to perform a continual cycle of process improvement.
- Identifying environmental impacts (air, water, waste, resource usage, land use, and transportation).
- Developing targets to reduce identified environmental impacts and implement plans for reduction, which are called Environmental Management Action Plans (EAPs).
- Auditing and assessing the Laboratory's environmental programs to determine that all activities are being performed.
- In applying these measures, the Laboratory follows a performance-based approach to achieve the elements of the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems (EMSs). This approach provides real and tangible business value rather than applying all the requirements of an ISO 14001–based EMS. This approach allows the Laboratory to focus resources on activities that have a more valuable and stronger environmental benefit and to maintain the current strengths of the environmental compliance programs. Performance of the EMS is measured by multiple methods and involves various internal and external organizations, including a comprehensive annual review by senior management.
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibility |
Senior management |
EMS Program Manager |
EMS Core Team members |
Office of Contractor Assurance |
General Laboratory employees, affiliates, visitors, and subcontractors |
F. Definitions/Acronyms
Term |
Definition |
Assessment |
A formal review that is normally conducted by an organization with an appropriate degree of independence |
Audit |
A systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine the adequacy of a program or system within an organization |
Continual improvement |
A recurring process of enhancing the Environmental Management System to achieve improvements in overall environmental performance consistent with an organization's environmental policy |
Core Team |
A group of Berkeley Lab employees charged with implementing the essential elements of the Environmental Management System |
Department of Energy |
Environment |
The surroundings, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelations, in which an organization operates |
Environmental aspect |
An activity, product, or service that can interact with the environment |
Environmental impact |
A change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization's activities, products, or services |
Environmental Action Plan (EAP) |
A formal mechanism that summarizes how the objectives and targets will be achieved, including timescales and personnel responsible for implementing the appropriate actions |
Environmental Management System (EMS) |
A systematic approach to ensuring that environmental activities are well managed. It includes organization structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes, and resources. |
Environmental objective |
Overall environmental goal that an organization attempts to attain |
Environmental Performance |
Measurable results related to the management of environmental aspects |
Environmental target |
Detailed performance goal that results from the establishment of an environmental objective. Where practicable, the target will be quantified and include a completion date. |
Executive Order |
A presidential policy directive that implements or interprets a federal statute, a constitutional provision, or a treaty |
Management review |
A review by senior management on the performance of the EMS in relationship to the expectations specified in the ISO 14001 standard |
Operational control |
The identification, planning, and management of the organization's operations and activities in line with the policy' objectives and targets, and significant aspects |
Risk |
A deviation from the expected, expressed as a combination of the consequences of an event and the likelihood of occurrence |
Senior management |
The highest levels of organizational management having the day-to-day responsibilities for managing the organization and the authority to make decisions affecting the site or facility. Also may be referred to as senior leadership or top management. |
Significant environmental aspect |
An activity, product, or service that has or can have an unacceptable risk and require an Environmental Action Plan to reduce the risk to acceptable levels |
G. Recordkeeping Requirements
Recordkeeping requirements are identified in the procedures listed in Implementing Documents section.
H. Implementing Documents
Document number |
EHS reference number |
Title |
Type |
N/A |
PUB-3180 |
Program |
N/A |
LBNL Site Sustainability Plan (current version) |
Plan |
I. Contact Information
Environmental Services Group
EHS Division [email protected]
J. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By Whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) Affected |
Change Type |
1/2/2013 |
0 |
P. Thorson |
Rewrite for wiki (brief) |
All |
Minor |
9/24/2013 |
1 |
P. Thorson |
Rewrite for wiki (policy) |
All |
Minor |
4/27/2021 |
2 |
L. Baldwin |
Update implementing documents |
All |
Minor |
Title: |
Environmental Management System |
Publication date: |
4/27/2021 |
Effective date: |
4/3/2009 |
Roles in Implementing the Berkeley Lab Environmental Management System (Applicable to all Berkeley Lab Employees, Affiliates, Subcontractors, and Visitors)
Title: |
Environmental Management System |
Document number | |
Revision number |
2 |
Publication date: |
4/27/2021 |
Effective date: |
4/3/2009 |
Next review date: |
4/26/2025 |
Policy Area: |
Environmental Protection Program |
RPM Section (home) |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
None |
Functional Division |
Prior reference information (optional) |
ES&H Manual Section 11.3.3 |
Source Requirements Documents
- DOE O 436.1, Departmental Sustainability
- DOE, Environmental Management System Declaration of Conformance to ISO 14001:2015 Fiscal Year 2018 (September 2018)
- Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management
- Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance
- Contract 31, Clause I.064, FAR 52.223-19, Compliance with Environmental Management Systems (MAY 2011) (prev. I.145)
Other Driving Requirements
- ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use
Implementing Documents
Document number |
EHS reference number |
Title |
Type |
N/A |
PUB-3180 |
Program |
N/A |
LBNL Site Sustainability Plan (current version) |
Plan |