Title: |
Contractor Assurance Policy |
Publication date: |
1/6/2025 |
Effective date: |
9/11/2019 |
Policy Summary
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) must establish and maintain a Contractor Assurance System (CAS) to monitor effectiveness and efficiency of programs, improve performance, and communicate vital performance information to Laboratory management and key stakeholders.
Who Should Read This Policy
- Laboratory management, including the Laboratory Director, the Laboratory Deputy Directors for Research and Operations, the Institutional Contractor Assurance Office, division directors, department heads, and Subject Matter Experts who manage programs; develop internal policies, procedures, or processes; and/ or manage issues and associated corrective actions
- All laboratory employees
- Stakeholders from the Department of Energy (DOE), the DOE Berkeley Site Office (BSO), and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) who monitor performance and provide feedback
To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page
To Read the CAS Program Details, Go To:
University of California Contractor Assurance System Description for LBNL (PUB-5520)
Contact Information
Robbie Leftwich-Vann
Institutional Contractor Assurance Officer
[email protected]
Title: |
Contractor Assurance Policy |
Publication date: |
1/6/2025 |
Effective date: |
9/11/2019 |
A. Purpose
This policy calls for the establishment and maintenance of a Contractor Assurance System (CAS) to manage requirements and effectiveness and efficiency of programs, improve performance, and communicate vital performance information to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) management and key stakeholders. The overall purpose of the CAS is to assure that (a) the Laboratory's management systems and process controls are working as intended to manage the Laboratory's risks while accomplishing its mission and (b) Laboratory policies and institutional procedures address Contract 31 requirements.
B. Persons Affected
- Berkeley Lab management, including the Laboratory Director, the Laboratory Deputy Directors for Research and Operations, the Institutional Contractor Assurance Office, division directors, and department heads, and Subject Matter Experts who manage programs, develop internal policies, procedures, or processes, and/ or manage issues and associated corrective actions
- All laboratory employees
- Stakeholders from the Department of Energy (DOE), the DOE Berkeley Site Office (BSO), and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) who monitor performance and provide feedback
C. Exceptions
Not applicable
D. Policy Statement
Berkeley Lab establishes and maintains a CAS to manage requirements and effectiveness and efficiency of programs, improve performance, and communicate vital performance information to Laboratory management and key stakeholders. The overall purpose of the CAS is to (a) meet the contract requirements identified in Clause H.30 of the prime contract between the University of California (UC) and the DOE, (b) assure that the Laboratory's management systems and process controls are working as intended to manage the Laboratory's risks while accomplishing its mission, and (c) Laboratory policies and institutional procedures address all Contract 31 requirements.
Assurance activities must identify and monitor risks, the effectiveness of management systems and process controls, and the consistency of performance to DOE contract requirements and missions. These activities must also promote improvement through corrective action development and implementation and communication of operating experiences. The output provides UC and Berkeley Lab leadership with regular data and information on performance trends and significant or emerging risks. The CAS is to be implemented commensurate with risk and aligned with Berkeley Lab functions and work processes to promote risk identification and management. Laboratory organizations must regularly evaluate and improve the performance of their units. Key assurance activities performed by Berkeley Lab organizations must include:
- Managing contract requirements;
- Identifying and managing inherent and emerging risks;
- Monitoring performance through performance measures and assessments;
- Identifying and effectively correcting deficiencies; and
- Continuously improving processes, products, and services.
Berkeley Lab assurance processes must ensure that:
- Policies and institutional procedures address contract requirements;
- Management systems and process controls are working as intended to manage the Lab's risks while accomplishing its mission; and
- Communication to DOE, UC, and Berkeley Lab leadership is timely and appropriate, including electronic access to assurance-related information.
The CAS, described in the University of California Contractor Assurance System Description for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (PUB-5520), is a system of processes and tools designed to provide assurance that Berkeley Lab's mission objectives are achieved; its workers, the public, and the environment are protected; its operational, facility, and business systems are effectively managed; and the requirements of the UC-DOE contract are met. The CAS has been developed to identify and resolve problems and negative performance trends before they become significant issues, systematically integrate and align work based on risk and performance, and improve work by incorporating lessons learned and best practices. The assurance system is integrated with other management systems like the Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) and utilizes metrics and other targets and drives efficient and cost-effective performance. A critical element of the assurance system is a strong partnership among the UC, Berkeley Lab, and the DOE. This partnership is evident in the frequent formal and informal communications at all levels, transparency of management systems and processes, timely flow of information, and joint resolution of issues.
Tri-Parties Relationship
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibility |
Contractor Assurance Council |
UCOP, University California National Laboratories (UCNL) |
Laboratory Senior Management |
Division Directors, Department Heads, Line Management and Subject Matter Experts |
Institutional Contractor Assurance Office |
Laboratory staff |
F. Definitions/Acronyms
Term |
Definition |
Assessment |
The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, conducting surveillances, auditing, or otherwise determining and documenting whether items, processes, or services meet specified requirements. |
Associate Laboratory Directors |
Associate Laboratory Directors for Computing Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Biosciences, Energy Sciences, Energy Technologies, and Physical Sciences. |
Contractor Assurance System |
Berkeley Lab management system designed to monitor controls and inform cognizant management and stakeholders of performance. |
Division Directors |
Directors of Berkeley Lab scientific and operations divisions. |
Issues Management |
The process by which issues are managed and tracked through resolution to prevent recurrence. |
Laboratory Senior Management |
Laboratory management above the level of Associate Laboratory Directors, including Laboratory Director, the Deputy Director for Research, and the Deputy Director for Operations. Appointees and incumbents in these positions have responsibility for defining overall Laboratory policy and direction and are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the Regents, the President of the University of California, or the Laboratory Director, as appropriate. |
Laboratory Staff |
Represented or non-represented employees of Berkeley Lab employed in a specific type of appointment including Career, Term, Limited, Faculty, Visiting Researcher, or Rehired Retiree. |
Requirements Management |
A business-management process that provides a systematic approach to ensuring that all contractually based requirements are assigned an owner, analyzed for impact, and flow down to the workforce. Requirements-management process elements include the means of governing, analyzing, implementing, and parsing of requirements. |
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) |
The functional title for a person who has technical expertise and knowledge in a specific program, operations, process, or professional area, or a Point-of-Contact for a particular functional area. |
G. Recordkeeping Requirements
As defined in UC CAS Description for LBNL, PUB-5520, Rev. 8
H. Implementing Documents
Document Number |
Title |
Type |
PUB-5519 |
System |
| |
Process |
| |
Policy |
| |
Policy |
n/a |
Charter |
n/a |
System |
n/a |
Web |
n/a |
Web |
I. Contact Information
Robbie Leftwich-Vann
Institutional Contractor Assurance Officer
[email protected]
J. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By Whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) Affected |
Change Type |
1/2/2012 |
0 |
J. Chernowski |
New |
All |
Major |
12/20/2012 |
1 |
J. Chernowski |
Full policy |
All |
Major |
8/13/2014 |
1.1 |
I. Nishibayashi |
Reviewed, update to align with practice |
D (diagram), E |
Minor |
3/8/2017 |
1.2 |
M. Stoufer |
Updated "Associate Laboratory Director for Operations" position title to "Laboratory Deputy Director for Operations" |
All |
Editorial |
3/10/2020 |
1.3 |
T. Triplett |
Clarified and updated terminology (Lab management, BASO, OIAI), updated PUB-5520 and implementing & source requirements documents lists |
All |
Minor |
11/10/2020 |
2 |
T. Triplett |
Updated policy text to align with PUB-5520 Revision 3 (Sept. 2019); updated roles and responsibilities |
All |
Major |
11/14/2023 |
2.1 |
T. Triplett |
Update PUB-5520 to revision 7 with editorial changes. Changed BASO to BSO. |
All |
Editorial |
1/6/2025 |
2.2 |
R. Leftwich-Vonn |
Update PUB-5520 to revision 8 with no other changes. |
All |
Editorial |
Title: |
Contractor Assurance Policy |
Document number | |
Revision number |
2.2 |
Publication date: |
1/6/2025 |
Effective date: |
9/11/2019 |
Next review date: |
11/13/2026 |
Policy area: |
Contractor Assurance |
RPM Section (home) |
Contractor Performance Management |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
None |
Functional Division |
Institutional Contractor Assurance Office |
Prior reference information (optional) |
n/a |
Source Requirements Documents
- Contract 31, Clause H.30, Contractor Assurance System (SEP 2017)
- DOE Order 414.1D Chg 2, Quality Assurance
- DOE Order 210.2A, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program
- PUB-5520, University of California Contractor Assurance System Description for LBNL
Other References
Multiple Laboratory requirements documents call for specific assurance systems and therefore support this overall Contractor Assurance policy. The following is a representative list.
- Contract 31, Clause I.120, DEAR 970.5203-1, Management Controls (JUN 2007) (Deviation) (prev. I.076)
- Contract 31, Clause I.131, Integration of Environment, Safety, and Health into Work Planning and Execution (DEC 2000) (prev. I.086)
- DOE Order 205.1C Chg 1, Cyber Security Program
- DOE Order 151.1D Chg 1, Comprehensive Emergency Management System
- PUB-3111, Quality Assurance Program Description
- Requirements Management policy,
Implementing Documents
Document Number |
Title |
Type |
PUB-5519 |
System |
| |
Process |
| |
Policy |
| |
Policy |
n/a |
Charter |
n/a |
System |
n/a |
Web |
n/a |
Web |