7.4.1 Turnover Memo To Facilities Operations/“Approval to Occupy” Milestone
At Substantial Completion of the facility, the Project Manager shall complete the requirements of the Turnover to Operations Memo to assure acceptance by MRO and other stakeholders. When these requirements are met and accepted by Facilities Operations, Facilities Operations is then responsible for the operation and safety of the facility. The Turnover Memo documents the location of project records and provides the scheduled completion date for any remaining minor punchlist items. The Project Manager shall attach the punchlist to the Turnover Memo. The Turnover Memo shall be signed by the Facilities Operation Team Lead acknowledging acceptance of operational responsibilities upon date of Substantial Completion (Project Turnover). A copy will be sent to Procurement.
7.4.2 Guarantees/Warranties to Facilities Operations
The Project Coordinator obtains a list of all required guarantees/warranties per the project specifications. The list will then be tracked on the Project Submittal Log. The one-year overall project guarantee and individual guarantees/warranties required within individual specification sections will be forwarded by the construction subcontractor to the Project Manager as described in the project specifications. The Project Manager will forward the guarantees/warranties with a transmittal to Facilities Operations, with a copy to the project file.