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Purpose of Knowledge Article:

Download, install, and activate Microsoft Office 2021 on macOS and Windows computers.


Select the instruction you need: macOS or Windows

Before you start:

  • Make sure you already have an approved license for the Microsoft Office 2021 license for macOS from
  • Internet connection is required.

Be sure to follow all 3 parts of the instruction. Click on each part to expand or collapse it.

1 Download your copy of Office 2019 for macOS from under the Purchase History section.

    1. Right-click or control+mouse click on the installation file, Office2021-mac.mag
    2. Select Open

    1. Right-click or control+mouse on Microsoft_Office_xx.xx.xxxx_Installer.pkg
    2. Select Open

4 Click Continue.

5 Click Continue to the Software License Agreement.

6 Click Agree.

7 Click Install

    1. Type in your computer password
    2. Click Install Software

9 Click Close once the installation is finished.


Return to the window that you launch the installer from in Part 1, step 3. You will see another file Microsoft_Office_LTSC-2021_VL_Serializer.pkg

    1. Right click or control+mouse on Microsoft_Office_LTSC-2021_VL_Serializer.pkg
    2. Select Open


Click Continue

Note: you may see a popup asking you to agree to the software license agreement. Click Agree if you do.


Click Install

    1. Type in your computer password
    2. Click Install Software

5 Click Close


For quick access to the Microsoft Office software:

    1. Open up the Application folder
    2. Drag and drop Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to the Dock for quick access

2 Launch Microsoft Word

3 Click Get Started

4 Click Skip sign in at the bottom. DO NOT CLICK the blue Sign in button

5 Click on Start Using Word

6 Repeat steps 2 through 5 for Excel and PowerPoint

7 Quit Excel and PowerPoint and return to Word


On the Word menu bar:

    1. Click on the Help menu
    2. Select Check for Updates

9 Click OK

10 In the Microsoft AutoUpdate window, make sure the box for Automatically keep Microsoft Apps up to date is checked


Leave the Microsoft AutoUpdate open and quit Word:

    1. On the Word menu bar, select Word
    2. Select Quit Word


Return to the Microsoft AutoUpdate window:

    1. If the Update available field shows any number besides 0
    2. Click on the Update button

13 Repeat Step 12 until you see All apps are up-to-date