Your personal profile information at Berkeley Lab is aggregated from four different systems in which you can edit your information.
System | Profile Information You Can Update |
LBL HR Self Service | Role (Public-Facing Job Title), Short “What I do” description, Primary Profile Web Address, Administrative Support Contacts, Vehicles (for parking), Work Location, Mailstop, and Phone Numbers. |
Preferred Name (Also personal information that is not displayed publicly, such as Home Address, Emergency Contact Information, etc.) | |
Preferred Pronouns (for public display), Additional optional profile data are displayed only within Google Applications (Gmail, LBL Contacts, etc). | |
Bio, Research Interests, Job History, Photo Fields of Study, Publications, Links (if applicable). |
Your personal profile information is aggregated from these systems and used in a variety of ways at the Laboratory. For example, your Role is displayed in Google applications when someone hovers over your name.
Institutional information, such as your job title, Area, Division, and Department, is not editable by individuals directly. Please contact your Division HR support for assistance with any necessary changes.
For questions or suggestions email the IT Help Desk (help@lbl.gov).
Updating Profile Information
Detailed Information
LBL HR Self Service
- Website: https://hris.lbl.gov
Access Rules: You and your Division’s designated proxies can edit these fields. Consult your division's administrative support to find out who can edit these fields by proxy.
Role (Alternate or Public Facing Job Title) | You can create and edit a role that will appear instead of your job title in some places. Your role must reflect your actual role at the Laboratory. If you don’t specify a role, your job title will automatically be displayed instead. For example, let’s say you are an Administrative Assistant III who supports your Division’s Property and Procurement Efforts - you might name your role “Property and Procurement Support Admin” to help others understand your role at the Lab. Many job titles are generic like Computer Systems Engineer, and defining a more functionally specific role is valuable to colleagues who don’t already know you well. |
What I Do | Similar to Role, “What I Do” allows you to write a short (250 char) description of your work at the Lab. This description must be directly related to your job and communicate your work to others. You might choose to describe programs, projects you work on, or your area of research. This will appear in Google contacts as well as in public profiles when a short description is needed. |
Primary Profile | Provide a link to your preferred profile page if you have one. This link will display in Google Contacts and will be used on websites when a profile link is needed. For example, if your profile exists on your Division website, paste the link here and other people will be able to get from your profile or contact information to your rich profile. |
Locations | You can add and edit the locations where you work at the Lab. |
Phones | You can configure one or more phone numbers. |
Vehicles | If you park at the Lab, you must register your vehicle license plate numbers so that the Security department can identify the owner of a vehicle in an emergency. |
Assistants | You can add and edit your support staff. |
- Website: https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/
- Access Rules: You’re the only person who can edit these fields.
Name | Formerly labeled “Preferred Name” in UCPath online but now called simply “Name” in UCPath online. Your “Name” takes the place of your legal name in virtually all publicly visible places at LBL (and UC) once you update it in UCPath. |
Legal Name | When you have a Preferred Name established, your legal name is in effect completely private and not part of your public profile. If you need to change your legal name, this is also done in UCPath. |
Emergency Contacts | The Lab will use this information to contact your named emergency contacts in the event of an emergency. This information is not generally available to anyone outside of emergency circumstances. |
Home Address | This should be your official home address of record relative to your employment with UC. |
Pronouns, Sexual Orientation, and Gender | This information is not used by Berkeley Lab profiles. To specify preferred pronouns, see the Google Account section below. |
Google Account
- Website: https://myaccount.google.com/personal-info
- Website: https://myaccount.google.com/profile
- Access Rules: Only you can edit these fields.
You may optionally specify your preferred pronouns in your Google Account. This information will show up in Google Applications, but we plan to use this information in other systems in the future. | |
Any other fields you change in your Google Profile will only show up within Google Applications (including in our soon-to-be-launched internal phonebook which leverages Google Contacts). |
UC Publications and Profiles
- UC Publication and Profiles System Website: https://oapolicy.universityofcalifornia.edu/
- Additional Information About LBL Public Profiles: https://go.lbl.gov/profiles
- How to Update Your Lab Profile
- Access Rules: You and your Publication Delegates can edit these fields.
- Note: If you have a dual appointment with a UC campus, your job title in profiles.lbl.gov will show your campus appointment. If you wish to change this, contact profiles@lbl.gov
Photo | This photo will be used on Laboratory profiles. The photo you upload here should be a professionally appropriate photo of you. This photo will be used publicly. This photo does not replace your badge photo or your Google profile photo. You are not required to upload a photo, but you are encouraged to do so. |
Overview | This is a short biography that will appear on both profiles.lbl.gov and on the Division profile sites, |
Research Interests | You can use this field to provide a summary of the work your Lab is doing. If a description of your research already exists on a current Lab homepage, feel free to copy that over here. |
Fields of Research | Fields of Research are typically added automatically by the Publication Management System based on your published works. |
Experience | Include any relevant professional experience, academic or industry, in this field. |
Education | Use this field for any relevant education history. |
Languages | This field can include any languages other than English you have familiarity with. |
Addresses | Physical research facility addresses and Web addresses. |
Media | You can use this field to upload any videos that you may wish to highlight, e.g. news interviews, presentations, videos of work at your Lab, etc. |