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HSC membership Policy.

HSC Reviewer Checklists

Members of the Human Subjects Committee can use the documents listed below in their reviews of submitted protocols and consent forms for the HSC meetings. Principal Investigators may also like to see these forms, to see what HSC members are looking for in protocols and consent forms.

  1. Exempt Review Checklist
  2. Continuing Review Checklist - Expedited
  3. Continuing Review Checklist - Full Board
  4. Checklist of 111 approval criteria
  5. Checklist for consent form review, pre 22Jan2019
  6. Checklist for surveys and consent review, pre 22Jan2019
  7. Checklist for consent review, post 22Jan2019
  8. Checklist for surveys and consent review, post 22Jan2019
  9. Reviewing amendments, how to

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