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School on Astroparticle and Underground Science

Sept 4-8, 2013

A 5-day school designed for advanced graduate students and beginning postdoctoral researchers will be held immediately prior to the TAUP2013 Conference.

The school will provided a series of introductory lectures by experts in the field, focused on the themes of TAUP: cosmology, dark matter, neutrino physics and astrophysics, gravitational waves, and high-energy astrophysics. The venue is Asilomar. The school is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the University of California Dark Matter Search Initiative, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory Collaboration, and the Hamamatsu Corporation.  These organization have provided the funding to cover the local costs of students accepted into the school.

The school will conclude with a student poster session on Sunday evening, September 8. This poster session will also mark the start of the TAUP conference. Students who attend the school will thus have an opportunity to share their work with TAUP participants. The poster session and accompanying reception will be sponsored by Elsevier Publishing.  Elsevier will present a prize for the best poster.

The program and schedule can be found here.

A list of the posters presented by the students at the September 8 TAUP Young Researcher poster session can be found here.

The poster can be found here.

The list of students attending the school can be found here.

Apply by June 15th here.  Attendance is limited. Students admitted to the school will be informed by July 15.

The school will be directed by George Fuller (lead), UC San Diego, Wick Haxton, UC Berkeley/LBL, and Gabriel Orebi-Gann, UC Berkeley/LBL.

>> More summer school photos from Carlos Faham

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