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  • Pick the top initiatives to implement and assign to group members to develop an implementation plan/date GENTECH-297 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Discussion items

update on current data from initial surveyMike Barton
10 minPick the top initiatives to implement



  • Initative to only invite needed participantas - should the admin police the who the attendees are for meetings they create for the short term 2- have everyone go in and remove the meetings they don't need. long term we need a way to enforce some of the meeting rules in meeting creation
  • Remove unecessary participants
  • Cancel uneeded standing meetings
  • Reduce meetings to bi-weekly/monthly etc
  • have weekly or biweekly meeting where no meetings are scheduled
  • Perhaps a party after the initiatives are complete



10 minDiscuss the outline of what should be in the Oct 13 all hands presentationKecia M Duffy

Overview of results of survey

list initiatives and how we plan to implement

check with NIgel and Ray on initiatives after next Thurs

Action items

  • All of us will write down our ideas on how to implement this going forward - follow up next week Thurs