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  • Initial kickoff for the process improvement group.

Discussion items

15minGroup Scope
  • Define scope of the process improvement and select the projects to work on. The charter for the group should define the scope and what the group should work on. Nigel should define what the charter is.
  • There is already some existing version of a process improvement charter, this was previously worked on by Steve, Nancy and Christine.
10minDocument Tracking 
  • Determine how to track and document changes. The current options are google docs or confluence. We have already been using confluence in the QAQC.
  • Keeping documents centralised is important, as the previous work has been spread out over octopus and google drive.
  • Having centralised documentation will be important when bringing new people on board so they can find existing work easily.
  • Whichever solution we use should be able to support templates and make it easy for other users to create new documents or pips from the templates. Other considerations are spreadsheets and lucid charts. Confluence appears to support lucid charts.
2minWork assignment 
  • What is the best way to assign and track work. Initial solution is to use JIRA and then assign tickets.

Group composition

  • Initial group charter and definition will be Michael Barton, Kecia, Christine and Nancy. We will bring more people on board as the charter of the group becomes clearer.
  • Someone from sequencing production should eventually be involved.
2minPIP definition 
  • Create a PIP outline and description of what it is.
2minInitial project 
  • An initial project could be the QC concentration of the input DNA sample. The impact in time and money for the organisation is uncertain and may take a lot of time and work to implement.

Action items

  • Determine name for group
  • Christine L Naca will provide an outline charter for the group