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Performance Review Process Instructions & Resources

Employee Instructions

Step 1 - Access your online self assessment form

  • Check your email for the 2019 Performance Review Form, with the subject line “FY19 Self Assessment for...” and click on link in the email.
  • Or, login to the Performance Review Website,, and click the "2019 Self Assessment" button 

Step 2 - Assess your performance

  • Performance Goals: From your 2018 PMP copy and paste your 2019 goals into your 2019 self assessment form (new employees should include goals discussed with supervisors or established in position description). To do this:

    • Visit, click the "2018 Performance Review" button and scroll down to your FY19 goals (section 14a on FY18 PMP form. For represented employees this section is described as "Expectations and Work Deliverables" on the PRD form).

    • Copy the FY19 goals from the FY18 performance review.

    • Paste the FY19 goals into section 1a of the FY19 performance review.

  • Performance Accomplishments: Enter your accomplishments in relation to established goals.

    • In the PMP form, enter self assessment text in the white boxes directly below the salmon-colored sections. Note: do not enter text in any of the boxes directly below the blue colored sections as they are reserved for supervisor comments.

    • In the PRD form (represented employees), enter text in the box directly below the gray section.

    • Use of bullets is highly recommended.

    • To copy and paste from Word documents or other Google Docs, copy and paste only text into each section (copying entire tables will disrupt the formatting).

  • Continue Working on your Self Assessment:

    • You may revisit these steps as many times as necessary prior to the submission deadline. (See Step 3 for submission instructions).

Step 3 - Submit your self assessment (DUE DATE: JUNE 17, 2019)

  • Login to the Performance Review Website,
  • Click the "Finalize now" button in the “Your Performance Review Documents” section.
  • Click the "Submit" button.

After you complete these steps, your self assessment will be shared with your supervisor. NOTE: You will no longer be able to access or edit your self assessment using the link that was emailed to you. You will be able to view your self assessment by going to the Performance Review Website.

Step 4 - Meet with your supervisor

  • Your supervisor will compose a written evaluation of your performance.

  • You will meet with him/her to discuss your performance from the prior performance review period and to discuss goals and/or development opportunities for the current performance period.

  • Come to the meeting prepared to discuss these items.

  • You and your supervisor will electronically sign your review to complete the performance review process. 

Step 5 - Add comments (optional)

  • Let your supervisor know if you need time to compose comments on your performance review.
    • S/he may grant additional time. However, all signatures must be submitted/received by the performance review deadline.
  • You may add comments to your review subsequent to the meeting if desired. Comments are generally used to add or clarify information in your performance review.
    • Login to the Performance Review Website,
    • Click on the "add comments" button.
      • A new, blank document will be created for your comments.
    • Add your comments to the new blank Google document generated.
      • As you type, your text will be automatically saved. 

    • Return to the Performance Review Website to finalize your comments.
      • Click the "Finalize Comments" button.
      • This document will be appended to the review document before the document is sent for signing.

Step 6 - Sign your completed review 

  • Signatures will be completed electronically through HelloSign.

  • Look for an email with the subject line “Please sign [your name]’s performance review - Signature requested by  Performance Management Process Team.”

  • Click the “Review & Sign” button in the email, which will take you to HelloSign to sign the review.

  • Follow the instructions on screen from HelloSign to sign electronically.

    • Review & Sign

    • Insert Signature

    • Agree

  • Submit the review to route it to your supervisor for his/her signature.

    • Once your supervisor has signed, you will both receive copies of the signed review in pdf format via email.

Additional Employee Resources

Supervisor Instructions

Step 1 - Access employee's performance review form 

  • Check your email for the 2019 Performance Review Form, with the subject line “FY19 Performance Review for...” and click on link in the email.

  • Or, login to the Performance Review Website,, and click the Performance Review link on the row for the employee you wish to evaluate.

Step 2 - Enter feedback in employee performance review

  • Review the employee's self assessment.

  • Enter your review of the employee's performance.

    • For the PMP form, enter your comments in the white boxes directly below the blue colored sections which are reserved for supervisor comments.

    • For the PRD form (represented employees), it can be helpful to create sub-categories or headings to organize your comments based on expectations from goals of the previous performance year and/or the employee’s position description.

    • PRD performance reviews for represented staff must include a performance rating in the review form.

  • Use of bullet points is highly recommended.

  • If you wish to copy and paste, only do so separately,  within each section you are editing

Step 3 - Record employee ratings

  • Go to the Performance Management Process Website.

  • Find the row for the employee in the "Supervisor Table."

  • Select the proposed rating from the drop-down list (selection is saved automatically).

  • Provide ratings:

    • For Represented staff this rating must match the rating you selected on the PRD form.

    • Non-represented staff ratings are provided ONLY via the dashboard. There is no ability to enter the rating on the PMP review form.

    • Postdocs receive a performance evaluation without a rating.

Step 4 - Submit review to one-up reviewers (DUE DATE: JULY 8, 2019)

  • Go to the Performance Management Process Website.
  • Find the row for the employee in the "Supervisor Table."
  • Click the "Share with reviewer(s)" button.
    • Reviewers will receive an email notification alerting them that the performance document is ready for their review.
    • You will receive an automatic email notification when one-up reviews are completed.

Step 5 - Incorporate and respond to one-up reviewer comments

  • Look for suggested changes or comment boxes, which appear in the right margin throughout the review. If you don't see them, click the "Comments" button in the top right-hand corner of your browser window:

  • You can accept suggested text by clicking on the check in the comment box or reject it by clicking on the "x."
  • You can reply to a comment and/or resolve the comment once the issue has been addressed.
  • If you'd like to address a comment to a specific person (i.e. one-up reviewer), type a plus sign followed by their email address (e.g.: +[email protected]). That person will receive an email with your comment.
  • Resolving a discussion removes the comment from the margin; it can still be accessed using the “Comments” button.
  • Any comments or suggested edits not accepted/addressed will be deleted during the finalization process.
  • All comments and revision history is deleted when the document is finalized.

Step 6 - “Release” employee’s written review only once authorization has been received from ETA Management. Authorization will be sent via email.

  • Note: Releasing the document will share the document automatically with the employee.

  • Once you have resolved all reviewer comments, accepted or rejected suggested edits and received clearance to release the review, go to the Performance Management Process Website and click the "Release the review to employee" button for that employee in the "Supervisor Table."

  • Click the "Submit" button.

Viewing "released" employee review

  • Login to
  • Click on the link next to the employee's name to view the document.
  • Once the review is in "released" status, the review is shared with the employee and s/he can view it prior to the review discussion meeting.

Step 7 - Conduct the review discussion

  • It is recommended that you have a tablet or computer available to electronically sign the performance review during the performance discussion.

  • Discuss the employee's performance using facts and descriptions of their impact and your expectations.

  • Contact HR if you need guidance to deliver a difficult performance review.

  • You and the employee will electronically sign the review to complete the performance review process. 

Step 8 - Sign final review

  • Signatures are obtained electronically through HelloSign and are initiated by the supervisor.

  • Once your Division has been authorized to proceed, the "Initiate Signing" button will become available on the Performance Management Process Website.

  • Login to and click the "Initiate signing" button.

  • Click the "Submit" button.

  • This will initiate the signature process and send an email to the employee requesting for him/her to sign the document.

  • Once the employee has signed, check your email inbox for an email with the subject line "[employee name] 2018 Performance Review - Signature requested by Performance Review Process Team."

  • Click the button in the email to be taken to HelloSign to sign the employee's performance review electronically.

  • Follow the instructions on screen from HelloSign to sign electronically.

  • Both you and the employee will receive copies of the signed review in PDF format via email.

Additional Supervisor Resources


One-up Reviewer Instructions

You will receive an email each time a performance document in your management line is ready for one-up review. However, you are only required to complete one-up reviews for employees that report to your direct reports (unless otherwise specified by the ETA Area Office or Division Director).

If you wish to filter the email notifications received from the system, refer to the instructions to set up a GMail filter.

Step 1 - Access employee’s review form

  • You will receive an email with a link the the drafted performance review; click on link in the email.

  • Or, you may go to the Performance Review Website at to access the form. 

Step 2 - Propose suggested text (similar to track changes mode in Microsoft Word)

  • Suggest text

    • Suggesting changes is for editing language directly and suggesting specific wording to the supervisor.

    • As you insert, delete, or revise text, your updates are provided to the supervisor as  “suggested” revisions.

    • Your revisions will be tracked and appear in a colored font.  

    • If the Supervisor accepts your changes, they will change to the default font color (black).

Step 3 - Enter comments

  • Commenting is best for offering general thoughts or feedback about sections or text in the document.

    • Highlight or select the text you'd like to comment on.

    • From the Insert menu, select "Comment."

    • Type your comment in the box that appears in the right margin of the document.

    • Click the “Comment” button to save your comment.

  • After inserting a comment, there are two main places you can view/edit/resolve it:

    • Comment box

    • Discussions thread

  • Access the comments by clicking the "Comments" button in the top right-hand corner of your browser window.

  • You can reply to a comment with a new post, edit or delete a previous comment you’ve inserted, and resolve the discussion when you’re ready to remove it.

  • Resolving a discussion removes the comment from the margin; it can still be accessed using the “Comments” button in the right-hand corner of your document.

  • If you'd like to address your comment to a specific person (i.e. to the supervisor to indicate document has been reviewed), type a plus sign followed by their email address (e.g.: +[email protected]). That person will receive an email with your comment. 

Step 4 - Complete/submit your one-up review

  • Go to the Performance Review Website at

  • Check the “Mark reviewed” button  in the One-up Review Table.

  • The Supervisor will receive an email informing him/her you have completed your review.

Additional One-up Reviewer Resources

2019 Performance Review Calendar

June 3Annual Performance Management Process (PMP) kickoff
June 3

Brown bag discussion: Tips for Completing Your Self-Assessment

12:00 – 1:00pm, Building 90-3122

June 7

Brown bag discussion: Tips for Completing Your Self-Assessment

12:00 – 1:00pm, Building 90-4133


Training sessions or coaching on preparation of self-assessments, performance review preparation and performance review conversations are available upon request

Contact Shannon Kotter, Senior HR Division Partner, Ext. 7649
June 17Employee Self-Assessments Due
July 8

Supervisor Reviews Due

July 22One-up reviews complete; Division ratings calibration meetings begin
August 7All feedback/comments communicated to supervisors and draft reviews revised accordingly
August 8

Area Office submits “pre-final” ratings to HR for potential review by the Lab director

August 14Supervisors begin delivering PMPs to employees
August 30Deadline for supervisors and employees to sign reviews using HelloSign


All Career and Term employees and Postdoctoral Scholars hired on or before April 1, 2019 are required to have an annual performance review.

The following appointment types are NOT required to participate in the performance review process. However, the supervisor may provide an informal review as desired/requested.

  • Limited
  • Faculty
  • Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA)
  • Student Assistant
  • Rehired Retiree
  • Contractor
  • Guest/Affiliate



2019 Performance Management Process

Posted: May 22, 2019

Dear ETA Colleagues,

The attached memorandum provides advance notice that the Lab's 2019 Performance Management Process (PMP) will begin on June 3, 2019, at which time you will receive a link to the PMP web based platform for self-assessments due on June 17, 2019.  All career and term employees who were hired or reclassified before April 1, 2019 are eligible (this would include any reclassifications into Career/Term appointment). 

Most non-represented staff (scientific, technical, and professional) and postdoctoral scholars will participate in the PMP.  Represented staff (primarily Research Associates and Administrative Assistants) will be reviewed using Performance Review and Development (PRD) process and forms. 

We all share the responsibility to foster excellent performance focused on discovery, innovation and operational efficiencies that contribute toward ETA and the Laboratory's missions.  We look forward to participating in this process and hope that you find it helpful to your career development.  

Best regards,

Jerri Carmo

Informational Seminar: Writing Your PMP Self Assessment

Posted: May 22, 2019

You're invited to attend this Energy Technologies Area (ETA) seminar. 

TITLE: Writing Your PMP Self Assessment 2019, Best Practices, and Process

SPEAKER:  Shannon Kotter, Senior HR Division Partner - Energy Technologies Area

LOCATION: 90-3122, LBNL, Berkeley, CA

DATE & TIME: June 5, 2018, 12:00pm - 1:00pm 

ABSTRACT: Annual Performance Review Season is Here! Performance self-assessments are due in mid-June. At this brown-bag session we will discuss:

  • Preview the updated self -General Assessment drafting tips; 
  • The PMP (non-represented), PRD (union represented), and Post Doc evaluation process.

This is your opportunity to present your thoughts on your FY18 performance, project contributions and career-related accomplishments.Learn best practices on articulating the impact of your contributions to your department, division, or the Laboratory as a whole. 

Guidance will be provided on how to effectively collaborate with your supervisor in setting career goals, and in fostering development opportunities.

We hope to see you there!

For more information about this seminar, please contact Shannon Kotter.


ETA Process Owner: Natasha Nelson, 486-4448

HR Division Partner: Shannon Kotter, 486-7649

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