Version 2 of the Directory services program was released on November 21.

When a lab employee or affiliate needs to update information in the lab directory, go to  - "Edit your directory entry"

With the agreement of the Business Managers at their 11/4/11 meeting, we changed the system to allow any authenticated lab person to change any entry. This change was made to allow Division administrative assistants, supervisors and others to help keep this important information up to date. When a change is made, the person whose information was changed will be notified in email.

A sample of such a notification follows:

This is an automated notification.  No action is required on your part unless you disapprove of the changes detailed in this message.

The directory entry for employee number 000NNN (Smith, Joe) has been updated.  These updates were performed by employee number/username 00NNNN (Earnest Lawrence)

The directory entry now contains the following information:

Telephone numbers:   NNN-NNN-NNNN
Fax number:  NNN-NNN-NNNN
Locations: 050B-NNNN
Mailstop: 50B-NNNN

Prior to these changes, the directory entry contained the following information:

Telephone numbers:  YYY-YYY-YYYY
Fax number:  YYY-YYY-YYYY
Locations: 050B-YYYY
Mailstop: 50B-YYYY

If you believe these changes were made in error or by an unauthorized individual, please contact the Help Desk at [email protected] or x4357.

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