Title: |
Gifts or Favors (Personal), Acceptance of |
Publication date: |
5/18/2012 |
Effective date: |
7/1/2009 |
Policy Summary
Berkeley Lab employees are not permitted to accept gifts, gratuities, or favors from any source that might affect or appear to affect their judgment in conducting their work.
Who Should Read This Policy
This policy applies to all employees.
To Read the Full Policy, Go To:
The POLICY tab on this wiki page
Contact Information
Research and Institutional Integrity Office
End Brief
Title: |
Gifts or Favors (Personal), Acceptance of |
Publication date: |
5/18/2012 |
Effective date: |
7/1/2009 |
A. Purpose
This policy describes limitations on Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) employee acceptance of gifts.
B. Persons Affected
This policy applies to all employees.
C. Exceptions
Not applicable
D. Policy Statement
Employees are not permitted to accept gifts, gratuities, or favors from any source that might affect or appear to affect their judgment in discharging their duties. Such acceptance may be construed as a conflict of interest. This restriction does not apply to:
- Acceptance of food and refreshments of nominal value on infrequent occasions in the ordinary course of a luncheon, dinner, or other meeting; or
- Acceptance of modest entertainment, such as a meal or refreshments in connection with attendance at widely attended gatherings sponsored by industrial, technical, or professional associations or at public ceremonies in an official capacity
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Managers, supervisors, and employees have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.
F. Definitions/Acronyms
G. Recordkeeping Requirements
H. Implementing Documents
I. Contact Information
Research and Institutional Integrity Office
J. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) affected |
Change Type |
5/18/2012 |
1 |
M. Stoufer |
Rewrite for wiki (policy) |
All |
Minor |
1/2/2012 |
0 |
M. Stoufer |
Rewrite for wiki (brief) |
All |
Minor |
Remove this text after wiki tabs are set. End Policy.
Title: |
Gifts or Favors (Personal), Acceptance of |
Document number | |
Revision number |
1 |
Publication date: |
5/18/2012 |
Effective date: |
7/1/2009 |
Next review date: |
7/1/2013 |
Policy Area: |
COI – General |
RPM Section (home) |
Conflict of Interest |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
none |
Functional Division |
Operations |
Prior reference information (optional) |
RPM Section 10.12 |
Source Requirements Documents
Contract 31, Clause I.78, Title 48 CFR Section 970.0371-4, Gratuities
Implementing Documents
Remove this text after wiki tabs are set. End Document Info.
Title: |
Gifts or Favors (Personal), Acceptance of |
Document number | |
Revision number |
1 |
Publication date: |
5/18/2012 |
Effective date: |
7/1/2009 |
Next review date: |
7/1/2013 |
Policy Area: |
COI – General |
RPM Section (home) |
Conflict of Interest |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
none |
Functional Division |
Operations |
Author name/contact info |
M. Stoufer |
Revision 0 publication date |
1/2/2012 |
Retirement date |
n/a |
Prior reference information (optional) |
RPM Section 10.12 |
Inputs from more than one Functional Area? |
No |
List additional Functional Areas & contacts |
Inputs from more than one Policy Area? |
No |
List additional Policy Areas & contacts |
30-day notification needed? |
No |
30-day start date |
n/a |
30-day end date |
n/a |
LDAP protected? |
No |
Need TABL reminders? |
No |
Frequency |
n/a |
Brief reminder text: |
n/a |
Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) |
]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:structured-macro> |
Key labels/tags:
- Conflict of interest, gifts, personal gifts
New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list:
- (list items not found and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy)
Implementing Documents restricted to department/functional use
(optional – these will be used for tracing between requirements and associated documents)
Document number |
Title |
Side bars:
Side bar 1 location (cite by Policy Section # - for example: Section D.2.a)
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Remove this text after establishing wiki tabs End Additional Information