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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: CANCELLED - Accounting for Internal Use Software (IUS) David Huynh Dec 06, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - After Hours Taxi Service Policy David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Capital Equipment Fabrications David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Fire Protection – Design, Construction - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Fire Protection – Permits, Inspections, Testing - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Fire Protection and Safety – Combustible and Flammable Materials - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Ombuds Service David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Vehicles, Acquisition of Laboratory or Government - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Vehicles, Disposition of Laboratory or Government - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED - Vehicles, Reporting Inventory & Usage of Laboratory or Government - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Accounting for Stores Inventory Losses and Excessed Inventory David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Appointments, Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) Dmitry Soustin Jan 11, 2023
Page: CANCELLED: Appointments, Postdoctoral Fellow Dmitry Soustin Dec 19, 2022
Page: Cancelled: ARRA Project Closeout David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: Cancelled: ARRA Reporting Requirements David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Attending Conferences and Events David Huynh Dec 04, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Balance Sheet Account Reconciliations David Huynh Dec 01, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Bridge Funding for ARRA-Funded Work for Others Agreement David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Building Emergency Team (BET) Dmitry Soustin Apr 20, 2023
Page: Cancelled: Business Cards Policy David Huynh Dec 06, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Communications on Notable Achievements, Events David Huynh Dec 08, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Continuity of Operations David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: CANCELLED: Contractor Supporting Research (CSR) Program - Financial Management David Huynh Dec 06, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Employee Assistance Program (EAP) David Huynh Dec 06, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action - B David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Financial Management - General Guidelines David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Gifts (Monetary), Financial Management of David Huynh Dec 05, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Gifts for Research and Acceptance of David Huynh Dec 04, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Health Care Facilitator David Huynh Dec 07, 2022
Page: Cancelled: Institutional Committees David Huynh Dec 06, 2022
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