- Research & Development Records Schedule Item 12, and anywhere from 10 years to permanent for evaluated or summarized data depending on the significance of a project.
D.3 Data Sharing Berkeley Lab's mission is to develop solutions to the real-world challenges faced by people, the planet, and the nation. In support of our Stewardship Principles, our research is open, and sharing our research is part of our tradition and mission. Responsible practices for open data sharing include: - Data sharing must follow all applicable laws and regulations as well as Berkeley Lab policies. The sharing of data may be restricted by regulations such as privacy policies, licensing restrictions, confidentiality agreements, export control regulations, or security policies. Berkeley Lab's Controlled and Prohibited Information Categories policy must be followed.
- Where research is being made public and the data are not restricted by policies and regulations, data sharing is an integral part of Berkeley Lab's mission. Shared data sets and metadata as well as related research methods and protocols support the reuse, reproducibility, and replication of research at Berkeley Lab. Typically, minimal shared data sets include summary tables for published figures and relevant underlying processed data, but may also include raw data in accordance with the relevant community standards. These minimal data sets and metadata, as well as related research methods and protocols underlying research findings, must be shared at the time of publication of the research.
- The sharing of software must follow the Software Disclosure and Distribution Policy. Computer Scripts that are used to access, analyze, or process freely and widely available data sets can be included under the same general Creative Commons license of the data set or the publication they are associated with. Interactive documents or notebooks that analyze research data can be published under the license of the research output they are associated with.
- Research data or academic software published by others used for research conducted at Berkeley Lab must be acknowledged where appropriate for academic credit, for example through data or software citations. The reuse of data or software published by others must comply with the usage license under which these items have been shared and should follow all applicable principles and norms of the relevant research communities. Sufficient information should be provided to ensure reproducibility of the research, for example by including information such as version numbers or software configurations.
- Data sharing should follow the FAIR Principles to ensure Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability of data and metadata. For example, persistent identifiers for researchers sharing the data (e.g., ORCIDs) and for research data (e.g., digital object identifiers (DOI)) should be used. In addition, citation and acknowledgement information should be provided with the shared data.
- Data sharing should preferably use any relevant subject-specific data repositories, and if not applicable, general data repositories should be used where possible. Subject-specific repositories are often able to support the reuse of data sets by providing suitable data structures and metadata information with the content.
- Published journal articles and preprints should indicate how the shared data can be accessed if it is not contained within the article itself. The citation to the data set should appear in the body of the article with a corresponding reference in the reference list.
- Data sharing should use appropriate data licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses CC0, CC-BY, or CC-BY-NC.
- Berkeley Lab encourages the publication and sharing of null and negative research findings and associated research data.
D.4 Procedures in the Event that an Investigator Leaves Berkeley Lab - When researchers other than the PI who have been involved in a Berkeley Lab research project leave Berkeley Lab, they may in general, take copies of research data that they generated or collected in the course of their Berkeley Lab research, subject to agreement by the PI and in accordance with DOE regulations, proper acknowledgements or authorship, and any applicable sponsor and licensing restrictions. Any current licenses on the data will remain in full force and effect unless agreed otherwise. Research data must be retained by the PI on behalf of Berkeley Lab.
- When a PI leaves Berkeley Lab, and a Berkeley Lab research project is to be moved to another institution, copies of research data may be transferred only with the approval of:
- The applicable division or facility.
- If applicable, the PI's new institution, pursuant to a written agreement between Berkeley Lab and such institution that guarantees (a) acceptance of custodial responsibilities for the research data and (b) Berkeley Lab's access to the research data as necessary.
- Any sponsor that requires prior approval. Berkeley Lab may impose conditions on such transfer or may require the PI to leave copies of the research data with Berkeley Lab.
- In addition, other Berkeley Lab investigators associated with a collaborative research project may make copies of research data prior to a permitted transfer by the PI, unless restricted by the specific terms of an applicable agreement with the sponsor of the research.
- The custodial ownership of research data can only be transferred to other DOE institutions. Transfer to other federal agencies is possible with permission from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Custodial ownership of research data must remain with Berkeley Lab in all other situations.
- Any individual who leaves Berkeley Lab, whether to move to another institution or to retire, must arrange with their supervisor for the storage of any research data that remains at Berkeley Lab in accordance with any policy adopted by the division or facility.
- A departing PI must return the research data to Berkeley Lab if requested.
- In addition, such research data must be available to external sponsors, designated governmental officials and other Berkeley Lab investigators who are collaborators with the departing PI. Any disputes with respect to access to research data shall be resolved in the first instance by the applicable division or center director, and if not so resolved, by the Deputy Director for Research or their designee(s).
E. Roles and ResponsibilitiesRole | Responsibility | Researchers | As stewards of Berkeley Lab's research data, researchers shall: - Securely collect, record, manage, and store research data throughout the research life cycle, from design to preservation.
- Manage and share research data in accordance with the standards of their scholarly discipline, and/or any relevant DMP, Berkeley Lab or DOE policies, legal requirements, and the terms and conditions of applicable third-party agreements (such as sponsored awards, material transfer agreements, or data use agreements).
- Consult with the PI and/or Deputy Director for Research (or their designee) for clarification of obligations and resolution of disputes related to research data.
| Principal Investigators | PIs shall, in the conduct of Berkeley Lab research, have the primary responsibility to: - Implement the requirements of this policy and follow best academic practices with respect to collecting, recording, managing, storing, and sharing of research data and for drafting and maintaining DMPs.
- Determine use of the research data by other researchers on the project in accordance with relevant agreements and their scholarly discipline's practices and DOE policies, and taking into account the need for academic progress of academic appointees, post-doctoral scholars, degree candidates, and other students.
- Retain research data on behalf of Berkeley Lab and DOE. Pis are responsible for knowing retention requirements of their scholarly discipline, funding agencies, and applicable laws and regulations including records management, and for following the most stringent of these multiple requirements. PIs must take the following key circumstances into account when determining the retention period:
- Inventions: research data must be kept in accordance with the Archives and Records Management Policy as long as necessary to protect intellectual property and to complete Berkeley Lab patenting and licensing procedures for inventions.
- Allegations, Investigations, and Litigation: If any allegations regarding the research arise, such as allegations of research misconduct, research data must be retained and maintained as long as required by the funder's requirements and federal regulations, but retained and maintained at least until all charges have been resolved and final action and appeals taken. If research data are the subject of litigation or investigation, Berkeley Lab and researchers shall preserve potentially relevant information until the Deputy Director for Research (or their designee), in consultation with Berkeley Lab Counsel, issues instructions regarding disposition.
- Regulatory Requirements: Retention must follow all applicable regulatory requirements. For example, if a research project involves articles regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), consistent with 21 CFR §§ 312.6 and 812.140, PIs must keep records for two years or as long as required following the date a marketing application is approved for the product; or if a marketing application is not filed or FDA-approved, for two years after the investigation is terminated, completed, or otherwise discontinued and the FDA is notified.
- Student Participation in Research: If, in advancing to a degree, a student participates in the design, conduct, or reporting of research, the research data connected to that research shall be retained in accordance with Berkeley Lab guidelines and until the student has been awarded a degree or is no longer working on the project.
| Deputy Director for Research | The Deputy Director for Research or their designee(s) is responsible for the interpretation, implementation, and oversight of this policy and shall: - Establish policies or procedures as necessary for implementing this policy, such as proposed minimum retention policies.
- Assure Berkeley Lab compliance with obligations concerning research data arising by law, regulation, or agreement.
- Have unfettered access to research data for Berkeley Lab purposes including for the purposes of carrying out Berkeley Lab responsibilities (including sequestration, as may be needed) related to conducting an inquiry or investigation pursuant to Berkeley Lab obligations, such as research misconduct investigations, or in response to agency inquiries or legal process.
- Implement procedures to manage the transfer of research data or copies of research data, for example upon the separation or death of a researcher or when a researcher can no longer fulfill responsibilities (see Section D.4., "Procedures in the Event that an Investigator Leaves Berkeley Lab").
- Implement local policies and procedures to settle disputes over control, use, and publication of research data among researchers and their collaborators, according to established campus, academic discipline, and journal standards.
I. Definitions/AcronymsTerm | Definition | Research Data | Recorded information reflecting original observations, methods, or technical data that demonstrate the path to a research finding, regardless of the form or medium on which the information is recorded, that are generated or collected in connection with research (1) within the course and scope of a researcher's assigned or assumed duties; (2) using Berkeley Lab research facilities or other Berkeley Lab research resources; or (3) with funding from or through Berkeley Lab. Examples of recorded information include Berkeley Lab notebooks, field notes, digital images, data files, computer software, statistical records, etc. Administrative records, such as medical records, that are not created exclusively for research purposes are excluded from this definition and are governed by other policies. Administrative records that are used in connection with research become research data once they are assembled for research purposes and the relevant data request proposal has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), IT Policy group, and other relevant bodies on the basis of privacy concerns and other key risks. | Metadata | Data that provide additional information required to make research data interpretable and reusable (e.g., date, independent sample and variable construction and description, methodology, data provenance, data transformations, any intermediate or descriptive observational variables). | Raw Data | Unprocessed research data as it is directly obtained, for example from a device or instrument. As it represents unaltered and unprocessed raw facts, raw data have no protection under the copyright law. Raw data that have been processed may be copyrightable if adequate human interaction or authorship is involved. | Data Management | The process of validating, organizing, protecting, maintaining, and processing research data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and quality of the research data for its users. | Data Sharing | Making data available to people other than those who have generated them. Examples of data sharing range from bilateral communications with colleagues, to providing free, unrestricted access to the public through, for example, a web-based platform or repository. | Data Management and Sharing Plan | A plan describing the data management, preservation, and sharing of research data and accompanying metadata. | Researchers | An employee, affiliate, joint faculty, staff, volunteer, contractor, researcher, postdoc, student worker, student supporting/performing research, medical center staff/personnel, clinician, student intern, student volunteer, or person working for Berkeley Lab in any capacity or through any other augmentation to Berkeley Lab staffing levels, who are involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of research, regardless of the funding source for such activities. | Principal Investigator (PI) | The researcher who has primary responsibility for a research project, including the design, conduct, or reporting of the project, regardless of the source of funding or formality of the designation. For the purpose of this policy, the term PI is used whether or not it is a formal title designated by an external research sponsor. | Requirements and Recommendations | The keywords "must," "required," "shall," "should," "recommended," and "may" in this document are to be interpreted as described in IETF RFC 2119. |
J. Recordkeeping RequirementsSee above K. Implementing Documents |