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Berkeley Lab employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors who perform work in technical areas or on construction sites
C. Exceptions
Those not performing work, who work 100% at a site not managed by the Berkeley Lab, or who work 100% of the time on the UC Berkeley Campus
D. Policy Statement
- Safety of all operations at Berkeley Lab is managed according to the principles outlined in LBNL PUB-3140, Integrated Environment, Health and Safety Management Plan: Integrated Safety Management (ISM) System. Five functions form the core of the ISM process. These core functions apply at all levels of Berkeley Lab: at the institutional level, at the division or department level, and at the level of individual projects or work activities. The five functions are:
- Defining work
- Analyzing hazards and risks
- Establishing controls
- Performing work
- Feedback and improvement
- A key principle is that of work authorization. Authorization is a review and management approval process designed to ensure that procedures, controls, and resources are in place before the work begins. All work at Berkeley Lab proceeds under authorization.
- Line Management Authorization is required for routine work using the Job Hazards Analysis (JHA). Work Process A discusses the JHA, and the Job Hazards Analysis program provides detailed requirements.
- Under certain circumstances, operations in a particular facility may require authorization. Work Process B provides general guidance on Facility-Based Authorizations, while Appendix C directs to the precise process for each type of Facility-Based Authorization.
- Formal Authorizations are generally required for more extensive or inherently dangerous work. Trigger levels for such authorizations are located in Appendix B. Work Process C describes the process for Formal Authorizations.
- The Temporary Work Authorization (TWA) process, which is described in Work Process C.2, may be used if it:
- Is not a permanent component of ongoing work
- Does not involving elevated hazards
- Is of a short term duration (two weeks or less)
- Has a limited and clearly defined scope
E. Roles and Responsibilities
Role | Responsibility |
Employee, Visitor, and Affiliate |
Principal Investigators, Managers, Supervisors, and Work Leads |
Division Directors |
Facilities Division |
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