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{dojo-tabs:theme=tundra} {dojo-tab:title=Brief|selected=true} | Title: | Safe Work Authorization & Activity Hazards Document | | Publication date: | 1/2/2012 | | Effective date: | 7/5/2011 | h2. BRIEF h3. Policy Summary Berkeley Lab's Safe Work Authorization Policy ensures that all work is performed in a safe manner by: * Ensuring that work planning is performed prior to starting work * Defining the work, analyzing hazards, and developing controls such that hazards are identified and mitigated * Providing work authorization processes that ensure that procedures, controls, and resources are in place such as: ** Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) ** Activity Hazard Documents (AHDs) for higher hazard work * Ensuring that the process and authorizations are documented prior to starting work h3. Who Should Read This Policy All Berkeley Lab employees, visitors, affiliates, and subcontractors h3. To Read the Full Policy, Go To: [|] h3. To Read the EH&S Program Details, Go To: [|] h3. Contact Information Industrial Hygiene Group EH&S Division [[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]] {dojo-tab} {dojo-tab:title=Policy} | Title: | Safe Work Authorization & Activity Hazards Document | | Publication date: | 1/2/2012 | | Effective date: | 7/5/2011 | h2. POLICY Details of this policy have not yet been converted to the new format. Please go to this page to find the details: [|] h3. Contact Information Industrial Hygiene Group EH&S Division [[email protected]|mailto:[email protected]] \\ h3. Revision History | *Date* | *Revision* | *By whom* | *Revision Description* | *Section(s) affected* | *Change Type* | | 1/2/2012 | 0 | J. Heim | Reformat for wiki | all | Minor | {dojo-tab} {dojo-tab:title=Document Information} h2. DOCUMENT INFORMATION | Title: | Safe Work Authorization & Activity Hazards Document | | Document number | | | Revision number | 0 | | Publication date: | 1/2/2012 | | Effective date: | 7/5/2011 | | Next review date: |1 7/25/20152014 | | Policy Area: | Safe Work Authorization | | RPM Section (home) | ESH | | PUB-3000 Section (cross-reference) | Chapter 6 | | Functional Division | EH&S | | Prior reference information (optional) | PUB-3000 Chapter 6 | h3. Source Requirements Documents * 10 CFR 851.21, _Hazard Identification and Assessment_ * 10 CFR 851.22, _Hazard Prevention and Abatement_ * DOE P 450.4, _Safety Management System Policy_ * DOE M 450.4-1, _Integrated Safety Management System Manual_ h3. Implementing Documents | *Document Number* | *EH&S Reference Number* | *Title* | *Type* | | | PUB-3000, Chapter 6 | Safe Work Authorizations \\ | |Program | | | PUB-3000, Chapter 8 | Electrical Safety | Program | | | PUB-3000, Chapter 21 | Radiation Safety | Program | | | PUB-3000, Chapter 26 | Biosafety | Program | | | PUB-3000, Chapter 32 | Job Hazards Analysis | Program | | | PUB-3140 | Integrated Environment, Safety & Health Management Plan | Plan | {dojo-tab} {builder-show:group=rpm2-admins} {dojo-tab:title=Additional Information} h2.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION |Title: |Safe Work Authorization & Activity Hazards Document| |Document number|| |Revision number|0| |Publication date: |1/2/2012| |Effective date: |7/5/2011| |Next review date:|17/25/20152014| |Policy Area:|Safe Work Authorization| |RPM Section (home)|ESH| |PUB-3000 Section (cross-reference)|Chapter 6| |Functional Division |EH&S| |Author name/contact info|J. Heim{anchor:_GoBack}| | | | |Revision 0 publication date|3/1/2011| |Retirement date|n/a| |Prior reference information (optional)|PUB-3000 Chapter 6| | | | |Inputs from more than one Functional Area?|No| | List additional Functional Areas & contacts| | | | | |Inputs from more than one Policy Area?|No| |List additional Policy Areas & contacts| | | | | |30-day notification needed?|No| |30-day start date|n/a| |30-day end date|n/a| | | | |LDAP protected?|No| | | | |Need TABL reminders?|No| |Frequency|n/a| |Brief reminder text:|n/a| | | | |Approval Sheet for this revision received (date) \\ \[Note: author is responsible\}| | h3.Key labels/tags: * (Policy Area 1), (Policy Area 2), (Section) h3.New terms that need to be added to Glossary/Acronym list: * (list items not found and context (Policy Area name) – full definition would be included in Policy) h3.Implementing Documents restricted to department/functional use (optional – these will be used for tracing between requirements and associated documents) |Document number|Title| | | | | | | \\ \\ *Side bars:* Side bar 1 location (cite by Policy Section # - for example: Section D.2.a) Sidebar 1 text: \\ Sidebar 2 location Sidebar 2 text: \\ Sidebar 3 location Sidebar 3 text: \\ {dojo-tab} {builder-show} {dojo-tabs} |
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