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- Open a web browser on your phone and visit
- Verify "Your choice:" auto-detects "U.S.A."
- On the "Select your institution" drop-down box, choosechoose "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory" from the scroll-list.
- Click Done
- Know which Apple OS X version you are running (Mavericks v10.9)
- Under "Choose an installer to download," select "Apple IOS mobile devices" from the list of configuration files
- On the next screen, click on "Download Installer for Apple iOS mobile devices."
- Click on the Install button.
- Agree to the Privacy and Terms & Conditions by selecting Install at the top of the screen.
- Enter your phone passcode, if you enabled the feature on your iPhone.
- Enter your LDAP credentials (username and password).
- Change your Wi-Fi network to "eduroam."