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    Working Alone Policy

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    Policy Summary

    Berkeley Lab employees are not allowed to work alone when the mitigated hazards associated with their work could incapacitate them such that they could not "self-rescue" or activate emergency services. This policy supports the Laboratory's Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H) Core Policy to perform all work safely and with full regard to the well-being of workers, contractors, affiliates, the public, and the environment.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    All persons who visit or work at the Laboratory

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab of this wiki page

    Contact Information

    Work Alone SME
    EHS Division

    Title: Working Alone Policy
    Publication date: 1/11/2023
    Effective date: 11/28/2011


    A. Purpose

    The Working Alone Policy restricts work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in cases where a plausible failure of hazard controls could result in an injury or exposure that would render an individual unable to take appropriate emergency actions. Examples include the following:

    • An individual may be splashed with a corrosive chemical that blinds him or her (volume used and concentration, etc., should be considered).
    • An individual may be exposed to a chemical or trauma that impairs consciousness.
    • An individual may be set on fire.
    • An individual may receive a severe electrical shock or arc-flash injury.
    • An individual may fall from an elevation above six feet.
    • An individual may be struck or trapped by a heavy object or suspended load.
    • An individual may become trapped in or by moving machinery.
    • An individual may be injured by a powered cutting tool.

    B. Persons Affected

    All persons who visit or work at Berkeley Lab

    C. Exceptions


    D. Policy Statement

    1. Workers at Berkeley Lab are not allowed to work alone when the mitigated hazards associated with their work could incapacitate them such that that they could not "self-rescue" or activate emergency services. This policy supports the Laboratory's Environment, Safety & Health (ES&H) Core Policy to perform all work safely and with full regard to the well-being of workers, contractors, vendors, affiliates, the public, and the environment.
    2. The Working Alone Policy is implemented through the Work Planning and Control (WPC) process at the division level.
      1. Each division must assess its work activities and find those in which the severity of mitigated hazards may prevent workers from self-rescuing or activating emergency services in the event of an accident.
      2. Authorizations for the identified work activities must place restrictions on working alone.
      3. During the work authorization development and review process, authors and reviewers determine whether and when a working alone restriction is necessary and include it in the controls listed in a WPC Activity or other work authorization document.
      4. This working alone restriction then flows down to individual workers through their WPC Activities or other authorizations.
      5. For construction activities, the policy is implemented through the construction safety review process; for nonconstruction subcontractors, it is implemented through the Subcontractor Job Hazards Analysis and Work Authorization process.
      6. The policy does not address activities "commonly performed by the general public" that include hazards commonly accepted by the public, the control of which requires little or no specialized guidance or training. These activities include walking or driving while alone and the consequences of personal medical conditions that may arise while at work.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities

    Role Responsibility
    Division directors and deputy division directors
    • Ensure that the Working Alone Policy is implemented within the division.
    • Ensure that the policy is included in the division Integrated Safety Management Plan.
    Division safety coordinators
    • Assist in the implementation of the Working Alone Policy, as requested by the division director.
    • Act as a conduit between division work leads and the Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Division for coordination of work authorization and WPC Activities that include working alone hazard assessments, as requested.
    Supervisors, work leads, and Activity leads
    • Use the WPC/work authorization processes to assess hazards and controls.
    • Communicate to workers which tasks prohibit working alone.
    • Exercise prudent judgment when performing potentially hazardous work activities alone.
    • Perform work only as analyzed in and authorized by the work authorization.
    • Stop work when the tasks, hazards, and/or required controls differ from those authorized in the work authorization.
    • Do not resume work until the WPC Activity accurately describes the work and has been reauthorized.
    • Continually review work and assure that the WPC Activity has analyzed and authorized the work appropriately.
    • Engage the Activity Lead to modify the WPC Activity hazards profile and work authorization as appropriate.
    Division liaisons
    • Act as primary representatives of the EHS Division to the division safety coordinator.
    • Work with Activity Leads to assist with WPC Activities that include working alone hazard assessments.
    • Obtain assistance from EHS Division Subject Matter Experts, as necessary, to properly identify hazards and controls for tasks (including obtaining assistance with WPC Activities) as requested by the Activity Lead or division safety coordinator.
    EHS Division Director
    • Maintains software, procedures, and other support tools necessary to address the Working Alone Policy in the work authorization and WPC processes

    F. Definitions/Acronyms

    Terms Definitions
    Working alone Occurs when a worker performs work out of line of sight and earshot of anyone who can help in the event of an emergency.
    Working accompanied Occurs when a worker performs work with:
    • A second person within line of sight or earshot.
    • An available second person who agrees to and understands the monitoring responsibilities.

    If the second person has to leave the area, the activity is considered to be working alone, and must terminate if prohibited in the work authorization.

    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    H. Implementing Documents

    Document Number Other Reference Title Type ES&H Manual, Chapter 6 Work Planning and Control Program ES&H Manual, Chapter 10 Construction Safety Manual Administrative Policies Program ES&H Manual, Chapter 31 sJHA Process — Subcontractor Job Hazard Analysis Program

    Other References

    I. Contact Information

    Work Alone SME
    EHS Division

    J. Revision History

    Date Revision By whom Revision description Section(s) affected Change type
    1/2/2012 1 W. Wells Reformat for wiki All Minor
    10/29/2012 1.1 L. Young Added Other References section Policy/Section I and DocumentInformation Minor
    4/9/2013  N/A M. Wisherop Replaced link to PUB-3000 Section 5.5 with link to Working Alone FAQs Brief Editorial
    11/19/2014 1.2 W. Wells Updated contacts, editorial changes to Policy Statement and Roles and Responsibilities Sections D and E Editorial + 3-year review
    3/19/2018 1.3 H. Madison Updated language to reflect WPC process All Minor
    1/11/2023 1.4 H. Madison Periodic review: editorial and link fixes All Editorial


    Title: Working Alone Policy
    Document number
    Revision number 1.4
    Publication date: 1/11/2023
    Effective date: 11/28/2011
    Next review date: 1/11/2028
    Policy Area: General Policy – ES&H
    RPM Section (home) ESH
    RPM Section (cross-reference) None
    Functional Division EHS
    Prior reference information (optional) ES&H Manual, Chapter 5, Section 5.3

    Source Requirements Documents

    10 CFR 851.21, Hazard Identification and Assessment

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