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    Parking at Berkeley Lab

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    Policy Summary

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) provides limited on-site vehicle parking for certain employees, affiliates, contractors, and visitors. Berkeley Lab issues valid Laboratory parking permits to eligible individuals. Maps indicating parking areas are available at the entry gates or at commute.lbl.gov/resource/parking.

    Who Should Read This Policy

    Lab employees, affiliates, contractors, and visitors

    To Read the Full Policy, Go To:

    The POLICY tab on this wiki page

    Contact Information

    Operations Directorate, Transportation & Parking
    [email protected]


    Parking at Berkeley Lab

    Publication date:


    Effective date:



    A. Purpose

    Parking is a limited resource at Berkeley Lab. This policy describes how Berkeley Lab manages this resource, including parking eligibility, parking enforcement, and exceptions.

    B. Persons Affected

    This policy applies to all Berkeley Lab employees, affiliates, and visitors.  

    C. Exceptions

    Exceptions are described in section D.4 of this policy.

    D. Policy Statement

    D.1 General

    1. Limited on-site personal vehicle parking is available to eligible employees, affiliates, and visitors
    2. Parking access at Berkeley Lab is contingent upon the employee's job code and is linked to their LBNL badge
    3. Eligibility for on-site parking requires the registration of the vehicle on HRIS Self-service at https://go.lbl.gov/registervehicle

    D.2 Parking Permits and Eligibility

    Berkeley Lab parking eligibility is based on the following criteria:

    Type of Permit


    Authorized Parking Spaces

    Green Circle (physical permit)

    Laboratory Director, Deputy Directors, Associate Laboratory Directors, and Division Directors.

    All Green Circle and General parking spaces unless otherwise reserved.


    Career, Term, Visiting Researcher, Faculty, and Limited employees.

    All General parking spaces unless otherwise reserved.

    Temporary General

    Some Affiliates (based on job code) for a specified period of time not to exceed 12 months. User Facility Affiliates can request this parking through their respective user facility.

    All General parking spaces unless otherwise reserved.


    Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) and Student Assistant employees; and other Affiliates not eligible for Temporary General parking.

    All General parking spaces between 3 p.m. – 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day on weekends and holidays.

    IDAM Accommodation (physical permit) Workers with a valid parking permit issued a reasonable accommodation by Integrated Disability Absence Management (IDAM). Workers who request a parking accommodation should contact IDAM to initiate the reasonable accommodations process. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) designated accessible spaces. Parking in Green Circle and General parking spaces is also permitted if no ADA spaces are available.
    Disabled (physical permit) Berkeley Lab parking permit holders with a DMV-issued Disabled Person Parking Placard or License Plate. 

    ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) designated accessible spaces. Parking in Green Circle and General parking spaces is also permitted if no ADA spaces are available.

    Construction Subcontractor (physical permit)

    Affiliate construction workers working on-site through Lab-issued construction contracts, for a specified period of time not to exceed six months, as approved by construction project management. The number of Construction Subcontractor permits issued for a given construction project may be limited.

    Parking Lot D (not including access road to this lot) and project laydown areas.


    Authorized vendors in company-marked vehicles who frequently conduct business throughout Berkeley Lab. 

    All General parking spaces, unless otherwise reserved, and Freight Loading Zones if eligible.

    Motorcycles, Mopeds, and Motor-Driven Cycles (requires a driver’s license)

    All employees, affiliates, contractors, and visitors.

    Parking in Motorcycle parking spaces is encouraged. Parking in General parking spaces is permitted, and motorcyclists are encouraged to park at least two to a space. Parking in small, unmarked areas around buildings is permitted. In order to ensure free and clear unimpeded egress, parking is not permitted within 10 feet of exit doors, in interior stairwells, or under any exterior stairways.


    All employees, affiliates, contractors, and visitors displaying an LBNL badge or an LBNL visitor pass.

    All bike racks. Parking in small, unmarked areas around buildings is permitted. In order to ensure free and clear unimpeded egress, parking is not permitted within 10 feet of exit doors, in interior stairwells, or under any exterior stairways.

    Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging (physical permit)

    Employees with a valid parking permit. Reservations are required and vehicles must display the EV charging permit.

    All EV Charging parking spaces not designated for government vehicles. For more information, see ev-charging.lbl.gov.

    Carpool Temporary (physical permit)

    All individuals with a valid parking permit. Vehicles must either:

    • Display a Carpool Temporary parking permit. At least one individual in the vehicle must have a valid parking permit and at least two individuals in the vehicle must have a current Berkeley Lab badge.
    Designated carpool parking spaces from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday.
    Time-Limited Reserved Space All employees and affiliates eligible for regular hours parking. Reservations are required.  Designated time-limited parking spaces must be reserved in advance. Parking is only permitted for the duration of the reservation (either two or four hours, depending on the space) from 7:00 a.m. – to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. See the Time Limited Spaces Program Description.
    Extended Parking Employees traveling on official Berkeley Lab business. An Extended Parking permit must be displayed on the vehicle for the duration of business travel. Parking Lot D
    Visitor Short-term visitors may be issued a temporary Visitor paper pass that must be displayed on the vehicle. The temporary visitor pass designates the applicable parking level (General or Orange Circle).
    1. Forgotten Permit. Persons who forget their parking permit (e.g. a green circle or red permit) may request a temporary one-day parking permit at any entry gate. The issuance of a Temporary Parking permit will be reported to the Site Access Office. Abuse of the temporary permit provisions is subject to suspension of parking permit and/or other disciplinary actions.
    2. Replacement of Lost or Stolen Parking Permits. To replace a lost or stolen parking permit, contact the Site Access Office at [email protected] or 510-486-4551.
    3. Return of the Parking Permit on Termination of Employment. Parking permits are the property of Berkeley Lab and must be returned to the employee's division office or the Site Access Office no later than the last day of employment. If the permit holder leaves after hours, parking permits can also be turned in to the security officer at the entry gates.

    D.3 Additional Parking Considerations

    1. Official Vehicles. Vehicles with license plates issued by the federal government or the state of California are authorized to park in Government Vehicle parking spaces, and General parking spaces unless otherwise reserved. Official vehicles must park in established parking areas. Vehicles with government plates (including low-speed EVs) may not park in EV charging spaces which require a special parking permit.
    2.  Stack Parking
      1. Stack Parking spaces are reserved for vehicles with valid parking permits that display a Stack Parking card. Movement of a vehicle in Stack Parking may be necessary to accommodate unforeseen circumstances and to allow for the exit (or entry) of other vehicles parked in Stack Parking.
      2. Valid parking permit holders who choose to park in Stack Parking spaces must observe the following:
        1. All vehicles must display a valid Berkeley Lab parking permit.
        2. All vehicles, including the first vehicle in the stack, must display a Stack Parking card with the driver’s contact information. Stack Parking cards are available on request from the Site Access Office or at lbl.gov/resource/parking.
        3. Park as close as possible to the vehicle, stop line, or barrier in front and/or behind the driver’s vehicle (maintain a less-than-30-inch gap between vehicles).
        4. Vehicles must not extend into a red zone or a pedestrian walkway.
        5. Drivers must be prepared to respond to requests to move their vehicle within 5 - 10 minutes of the request.
        6. Display the approximate time of day that drivers will need to move their car, to better inform those parking nearby.

     D.4 Exceptions to Policy

    In order to meet the business needs of Berkeley Lab, exceptions to current policy may be approved as described below. Exception request approvals should be made in adherence to Berkeley Lab stewardship values, and equity and inclusion principles.

    1. Deputy Director for Operations Exceptions. 
      1. The Deputy Director for Operations or their designee may approve exceptions to policy by granting Temporary General parking to ineligible employees or affiliates for one of the following reasons:
        1. A temporary assignment not to exceed 90 days.
        2. Working hours outside of the Berkeley Lab shuttle operating hours.
        3. A major impact on Berkeley Lab operations and/or scientific research if the requested exception is not granted (e.g. authorized vendors who need their personal vehicles to perform their job requirements).
      2. The Deputy Director for Operations or their designee may approve exceptions to Green Circle permit requirements to individuals with a mission-critical need to work on-site, including supervision of technical personnel involving significant safety or risk where in-person oversight is essential. These exceptions are based on the following guidelines:
        1. The individual manages a program or significant value to Berkeley Lab and the DOE complex.
        2. The individual makes critical and demonstrable impact to Berkeley Lab and/or DOE strategic goals.
        3. The individual makes critical contributions to organizational improvement and/or Berkeley Lab and DOE-level strategic initiatives as part of the scope of their job.
        4. Responsibilities include major participation in service opportunities that impact Berkeley Lab-wide strategic goals and overall culture.
      3. Exception requests to the Deputy Director for Operations must be submitted to the Transportation & Parking Office at [email protected].
      4. A request to Transportation & Parking shall not be made on the premise of convenience, unavailability of alternate commute options, financial hardship,  employee performance/retention, or as a hiring incentive. Requests for exception based on the aforementioned reasons should be considered by the respective Associate Laboratory Director.
    2. Associate Laboratory Director Exceptions
      1. An Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) or their designee may approve exceptions to policy to divisions in their area by granting Temporary General parking to ineligible employees or affiliates. Exceptions should be grounded in the Lab’s IDEA  (inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability) principles; upholding these principles are a core part of your stewardship responsibilities. Consideration should be given for:
        1. Accessibility and mobility needs that necessitate the use of a personal vehicle, particularly for those with ADA placards.
        2. Parental and care-giving responsibilities that require use of a personal vehicle and schedule flexibility.
        3. Limited access to public transit and significant barriers to alternate commute options, resulting in an extraordinarily long commute (>2 hours, on average) without use of a personal vehicle.
        4. Significant barriers to securing alternate commute options aside from using a personal vehicle.
        5. Opportunities to carpool if provided a permit to park on-site during regular work hours.
        6. Contract workers from temporary agencies who are covering for actively recruited vacant positions, or covering for employees on a leave of absence.
      2. ALDs may approve a limited number of Temporary General parking exceptions to policy each fiscal year. ALD exception requests are made by supervisors or hosts directly to the ALD. Operations divisions requests will be submitted to the Deputy Director for Operations. Laboratory Directorate requests will be submitted to the Deputy Director for Research.
    3. Student Employee Exceptions. In addition to section D.4.2.b, each area will be provided a limited number of Temporary General parking exceptions for student employees (Graduate Student Research Assistant and Student Assistant employee classifications) who work onsite three or more days per week. Eligibility will be for the duration of the upcoming school semester.
    4. User Facility Exceptions. Users (Facility User affiliate classification) can request temporary regular hours parking through the respective user facility, per the standards maintained by the user facility and Transportation & Parking.

    D.5 Parking Enforcement

    1. Security and Emergency Services (SES) enforces Berkeley Lab's Parking at Berkeley Lab policy by patrolling parking lots throughout the main Berkeley Lab site and issuing parking violation notices to vehicles that are parked in violation of parking policy.
    2. The University of California Police Department (UCPD) patrols the Berkeley Lab site and issues citations for moving and parking violations of the California Vehicle Code.  A vehicle may be issued citations by both SES and UCPD. UCPD citations include monetary penalties.
    3. If a parking violation occurs, one copy of the parking violation notice will be left on the vehicle and email and a notice will be sent to the vehicle owner on record, their immediate supervisor, and Division Director within 48 hours of the issuance of the notice, informing them about the type of violation, penalty, and other relevant information.
    4. After receiving a second violation notice during a 12-month period, an employee's parking permit will be suspended for five working days.
    5. Repeat violators are subject to additional corrective action in accordance with Berkeley Lab's Corrective Action and Discipline policy or applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
    6. Parking permit holders who believe they were issued a parking violation notice in error may submit a written appeal through SES at [email protected]. If needed, SES will forward the review request to the Transportation Advisory Committee for further review and recommendation.
    7. All construction contractor violation notices will be reported to the chief of projects and construction or designee for follow-up. Repeat violations by a construction worker may result in permanent revocation of parking privileges.
    8. Visitors may receive parking violation notices and their hosts will be informed about the violation. Hosts are expected to take appropriate actions.
    9. Unauthorized extended parking of a vehicle is strictly prohibited. Any vehicle parked for over 48 hours without displaying an extended parking permit may be removed by SES at the owner's expense.

    E. Roles and Responsibilities

    Managers, supervisors, employees, affiliates, and visitors have the responsibility to adhere to the provisions of this policy.



    Security and Emergency Services (SES)

    Enforces parking regulations, issues parking violation notices, communicates with the employees and others as outlined above, and maintains a parking violation notices database. Reviews all parking violation notices and makes a recommendation on the status of parking privileges. Permission to operate a motor vehicle or bicycle on Berkeley Lab property is subject to the control of SES and may be revoked at any time.

    Transportation & Parking

    In consultation with the Deputy Director for Operations, reviews/approves requests for exceptions. Assists SES with reviews of and decisions on contested violation notices.

    Site Access Office

    Issues valid Berkeley Lab green circle, red and IDAM parking permits.

    Security Guards

    Conduct patrols of parking lots throughout Berkeley Lab to carry out Parking at Berkeley Lab policy enforcement activities.

    Transportation Advisory Committee

    Review and provide recommendations on parking violations that individuals believe were issued in error.

    University of California Police Department (UCPD) Conducts traffic and parking enforcement patrols throughout Berkeley Lab. UCPD police officers may issue parking citations for vehicles and drivers observed to be violating the California Vehicle Code.

    F. Definitions/Acronyms




    University of California Police Department


    California Vehicle Code

    G. Recordkeeping Requirements


    H. Implementing Documents

    Document Number

    Other Reference





    Maps of Parking Areas Website

    ES&H Manual (PUB-3000), Chapter 60

    Traffic and Pedestrian Safety


    ES&H Manual (PUB-3000), Chapter 60 Work Process D

    Vehicle Accidents and Violations


    I. Contact Information

    Operations Directorate, Transportation & Parking, [email protected]

    J. Revision History



    By Whom

    Revision Description

    Section(s) Affected

    Change Type



    D. Lunsford

    Re-write for wiki





    A. Benitez

    Clarification of policy; periodic review

    Section D.2 (Temporary Blue Triangle)




    M. Flynn

    Clarification of terminology and more specificity on subcontractor parking





    A. Kothari

    Clarifications, addition of language on permit exceptions, revised violation policy, long-term parking, etc.



    5/5/2020 3 J. Chernowski Additional policy language on EVs, Motorcycles, Disabled, Bicycle parking permit types and carpool vehicle parking. Also, added TAC's role. All Major
    3/1/2022 3.1 J. Chernowski Parking webpage link update from https://commute.lbl.gov/service/parking/ to https://commute.lbl.gov/resource/parking/ All Editorial
    2/2/2023 3.2 J. Chernowski Replaced Protective Services (PS) with Security and Emergency Services (SES). Updated contact email addresses.  All  Editorial 
    7/24/2023 4 J. Chernowski Revised parking permits and eligibility, including exceptions. Added vehicle information requirements. Minor clarifications to bike, carpool, stack parking. All Major
    10/28/2024 4.1 J. Chernowski Periodic review: updating orange circle to green, eliminating most physical permits, other policy clarifications and minor updates. All Minor



    Parking at Berkeley Lab

    Document number

    Revision number


    Publication date:


    Effective date:


    Next review date:


    Policy Area:

    Vehicles at LBNL

    RPM Section (home)

    Facilities Management

    RPM Section (cross-reference)

    1.05, 1.06

    Functional Division

    Operations Directorate, Transportation & Parking

    Prior reference information (optional)

    Sections 5.8 and

    Source Requirements Documents

    • No labels