Title: |
Guidance for Updating the RPM |
Publication date: |
10/1/2024 |
Effective date: |
10/1/2024 |
A. General
Berkeley Lab's Requirements and Policy Manual (RPM) is an institutional document and therefore subject to version and configuration controls as described in the Document Management Policy. Persons finding errors (however large or small) are encouraged to inform the policy's owner listed in the Contact Information section, and copy the Requirements Management Program Manager (RM PM) at [email protected]. The following sections describe the process for revising existing institutional policies, requesting addition of new policies or retiring redundant or outdated policies. Typically, institutional policies are revised as a result of a periodic review or another factor, such as changing or new source requirement(s).
RPM policies must be reviewed within 90 days of the Next Review Date. Policies that are overdue for over 90 days are subject to management escalation where the Office of Institutional Assurance and Integrity Sr. Manager will contact a policy owner's Division Director with a request to determine and approve an estimated review completion date and provide justification.
The most common type of a policy change is a revision based on the periodic review cycle that is determined by a risk-based approach. Policy Authors and/or division assurance POCs should use the risk-based policy review criteria and choose the Next Review date based on these criteria. Please see the table below for determining an appropriate review cycle.
Review Cycle Length | Criteria |
1-year | Applicable to high-risk policies that need to be reviewed and updated frequently to minimize the risk of improper communication of requirements that materialize into significant exposure to the UC and the Laboratory. High-risk policies may pertain to areas such as financial, human resources, security, safety, and research where our contract requirements and/or business/operational environments are prone to frequent changes. |
3-year | Applicable to most policies. As a general rule, the Laboratory has embraced the practice of reviewing its policies at least every three years to ensure that policies are accurate, current, and aligned with contract requirements and best practices. Policies in this criteria may pertain to areas where routine changes are expected based on periodic modifications and/or business/operational needs. |
5-year | Applicable to policies that are not expected to change routinely because the contractual and/or business/operational environments are stable, and not likely to be modified in the foreseeable future (i.e. Ethics and Conduct or Nonsmoking policies). |
B. Types of the RPM Changes
- Minor and Major Changes. A Policy Author or an authorized assurance or policy point-of-contact (POC) who wishes to make minor or major changes to a policy, should do the following:
- Obtain a Word version of the currently published policy from their function's assurance point-of-contact (POC), or the Requirements Management (RM) Program Manager at [email protected].
- Create a package that includes the following documents:
- Policy text document in a Word format that describes the exact changes to be made (including links that have been tested) in track-changes format,
- Completed Significance Rating Determination Form,
- Completed Approvals Form,
- Completed Implementation plan (for major changes only and if deemed necessary by the Significance Rating analysis).
- Complete a Policy Change Request Smartsheet form and attach all the above documents. Please be prepared to provide names of the Reviewing/Approving Manager and your division’s representative on the Requirements Management Committee (RMC), type of change to the RPM (refer to the table below) and relevant dates, such as Effective, Next Review Dates as well as the preferred date for the publication of the revision. Please find the table describing changes to the RPM below.
- Major policy changes that have an tangible impact on the Lab community may inlcude a presentation to and a comment period for the RMC.
- Editorial Changes. Editorial changes submitted by a policy author, assurance manager or a member of the RMC can be submitted without Significance Rating Determination or Approval forms via the Policy Change Request Smartsheet Form. Change requests by all other Lab employees will require an Approvals Form signed by a policy author.
- New Policies. Lab employees who wish to introduce new policies to the RPM, should complete the following steps:
- Submit the Policy Change Request Smartsheet Form with the following documents:
- Draft of the new policy utilizing the Policy Template.
- Completed Significance Rating Determination Form,
- Completed Approvals Form,
- Completed Implementation Plan
- Present the policy to RMC and allow for the comment period from the RMC members for 10-20 business days depending on the impact of the policy. Should the policy be revised based on the RMC feedback, an updated policy draft should be provided to the Committee.
- Submit the Policy Change Request Smartsheet Form with the following documents:
- Retiring Existing Policies. A Policy Author or an authorized assurance or policy point-of-contact (POC) who wishes to retire an existing policy should complete the following steps:
- Submit a Policy Change Request Smartsheet Form with the following documents:
- A Word or PDF version of the policy
- Completed Approvals Form
- Submit a Policy Change Request Smartsheet Form with the following documents:
Please contact [email protected] with any questions regarding revising policies or the RPM policy management in general.
Type of Change |
Definition |
Review/Approval authority |
Major Change |
Includes the addition of a new policy, the retirement of an obsolete policy, or revision to an existing policy that significantly changes its meaning, requirements, responsibilities or method of implementation, or is an extensive rewrite of an existing policy. May have high impact on other institutional documents. |
(Graded per Significance Rating Determination Form)
Major Change/ 30 Day Notice (Specific to Lab HR policies) |
A Major Change to HR policy that affects employment terms and conditions. 30 day comment period starts with policy notice announced in Elements. |
Minor Change |
A policy change that makes no substantial alteration in requirements or responsibilities. |
Sr. Line manager |
Editorial change |
Includes, for example:
Policy author, responsible RMC representative or Line Manager |
B. Roles and Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibilities |
Policy Author |
RPM Editor |
Division Assurance POC |
RM Program Manager |
C. References
Source Requirements Documents
Document number |
Title |
Type | |
Policy |
| |
Policy |
Implementing Documents
Document number |
Title |
Type | |
Template |
| |
Form |
| |
Template |
| |
Form |
N/A | Policy Change Request | Form |
D. Contact Information
Requirements Management Program Manager or another authorized staff member of the Office of Institutional Contractor Assurance
E. Revision History
Date |
Revision |
By whom |
Revision Description |
Section(s) affected |
Change Type |
2/20/12 |
0 |
L. Young |
Initial |
All |
Minor |
4/29/14 |
0.1 |
L. Young |
Add submission steps via Smartsheet |
Section A.2 |
Minor |
7/29/14 | 0.2 | L. Young | Add flowchart | Section B | Minor |
3/7/2017 | 0.3 | M. Stoufer | Update "Chief Operating Officer" position title to "Deputy Director for Operations" | All | Editorial |
3/11/2021 | 1 | D. Soustin | Remove flowchart, add risk-based approach to reviewing policies. Edit roles and responsibilities. | All | Minor |
9/1/2022 | 1.1 | D.Soustin | Updated the Significance Rating Determination Form with rev. 1.2 | Implementing Documents | Editorial |
8/23/2023 | 1.2 | D. Soustin | Added management escalation procedure for overdue policies | Section A.2 | Minor |
10/1/2024 | 2 | D. Soustin | Revised to include detailed steps for each type of policy revision | All | Minor |
Title: |
Guidance for Updating the RPM |
Document number | |
Revision number |
2 |
Publication date: |
10/1/2024 |
Effective date: |
10/1/2024 |
Next review date: |
9/30/2027 |
Policy Area: |
Document Management |
RPM Section (home) |
Home |
RPM Section (cross-reference) |
none |
Functional Division |
Office of Institutional Contractor Assurance |
Prior reference information (optional) |
Procedure for Submitting Changes to Update the RPM and Definitions of Terms in the RPM |