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Capital Projects


The Facilities Project Manager (PM) is responsible for the project.  The Project Manager works with the Client to confirm the project scope and budget.  The Project Manager and the EH&S Facilities Project Coordinator assemble a project team.  The Project Manager is responsible for the project throughout all phases:

  • Conceptual Design
  • Preliminary Design
  • Final Design
  • Construction


The Facilities Project Manager sends the Project Folder to the EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator for assignment of EH&S safety professionals to participate in the project team. The Facilities Project Coordinator reviews the project scope and identifies appropriate EH&S Team Leader and team members to be part of the project team. Selection of team members (e.g., environmental services, industrial hygiene, radiation assessment, waste management, occupational safetyconstruction safety) is made on the basis of hazards anticipated after reviewing the scope of work and any other preliminary informationMembership may be modified as the project evolves if new hazards are identified. The EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator assigns an EH&S Team Leader for each project based on a number of strategic factors (client, project location, unique hazards, etc). Specific identification within each EH&S group is made according to the EH&S group leaders' particular guidelines.

FUNCTIONS OF THE PROJECT TEAM (with respect to EH&S issues):

Conceptual Design Phase:

EH&S team members participate in the project development process to identify EH&S issues. Team member activities are coordinated by the EH&S Team Leader. If any EH&S issues appear that need additional EH&S technical resources, the EH&S Team Leader notifies the EH&S Facilities Project Coordinator, who assesses the need and adds additional technical resources to the project team is required.  If a a formal Conceptual Design Report (CDR) is required, the Project Manager coordinates the gathering of information and incorporates it into the report.  Essential EH&S design criteria are identified at this stage.  Sign-off by the EH&S Team Leader validates that EH&S elements have been incorporated in the conceptual design.

Preliminary Deign and Final Design

EH&S team members participate in the design process.  They identify the EH&S design criteria and provide technical subject matter expertise to the design team.  The EH&S team is consulted throughout the design phases to ensure that EH&S issues are comprehensively identified and resolved.  Team member activities are coordinated by the EH&S Team Leader. If any EH&S issues appear that need additional EH&S technical resources, the EH&S Team Leader will notify the EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator.  The Facilities Projects Coordinator will assess the need and add the additional technical resources to the Project Team, as required.  At the completions of each design phase, the Project Manager istributes copies of all design documentation (drawings, specifications, calculations, etc.) to the EH&S Team Leader for formal review.   Formal review comments are submitted to the Project Manager on the specified project review comments form for response and or action by the design team.  Dign-off after final design by the EH&S Team Leader validates that EH&S issues have been resolved.


During the construction phases, EH&S team members monitor construction activities that pertain to their area of EH&S expertise, to ensure that it confirms to EH&S design specifications.  Team member activities are coordinated by the EH&S Team Leader.  IF any EH&S issues appear that need modifications or additional EH&S technical resources, the EH&S Team Leader notifies the EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator and the Project Manager.  The EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator will assess the need and add the additional technical resources to the project team as required.  The Project Manager will initiate corrective actions for conditions identified by the EH&S team during construction, sign-off by the EH&S Team Leader validates that EH&S issues have been resolved.


Project Manager

Coordination of Information: The Project Manager is responsiblfor obtaining design input from all the team members and incorporating the information into the design.

Sign-off: The Project Manager is responsible for the distribution of design documentation (drawings, specifications, calculationsetc.) to the EH&S Team Leader for sign-off at the completion of each project phase.

Provides the number of' complete sets of design and construction documents requested by the Eil&S Team Leader at each review stage.

EH&S Team Leader

Coordinates activities of EH&S team members:

  • Advises team members on project activities (meetings, etc.)deliverables, time-charging practices
  • Distributes design and construction documents for review tEH&S team members
  • Coordinates EH&S review comments, resolves conflicts; and returns a consolidated set of comments at each review milestone to the Project Manager.
  • Coordinates the sign-off for EH&S team members at project review milestones, ensuring that EH&S issues have been resolved.

EH&S Team Member

EH&S project team members participate in the same manner as all design team members: providing technical subject matter supportreviewing information, identifying EH&S issues, signing off at  formal review periods and helping to resolve issues.

Additional hazards: At any point in the process, if any team member identifies any EH&S issues that need to be reviewed badditional technical staff, s/he makes recommendations to the EH&S Team Leader.

EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator

Assigns the EH&S Team Leader.

Assigns technical professionals to specific projects and tracks their participation.

Monitors project suppott effotts for all assigned teams.

Assists the EH&S Team Leader in resolving conflicting EH&S issues.



Projects are initiated with Project Folders in the same manner as Line Item/General Plant Project/Institutional General Plant Projects (LI/GPP/IGPP). The EH&S facilities Projects Coordinator identifies appropriate EH&S safety professionals to work with the design teaduring the project planning, design, and construction phases.


EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator:

Identifies EH&S safety professionals as team members on facilities projects.

Attends Capital Projects and Small Projects meetings for the purpose of facilitating EH&S coordination and resolving EH&S issues.

EH&S Team Lead:

(1) Participates with the Facilities design team in preliminary design, final design, and construction phases of projects.

(2) Evaluates project to identify EH&S issues, with the Project Manager and Construction Manager assesses the hazards presented, identifies EH&S design criteria.

(3) Reviews the completed project and signs off when EH&S criteria have been satisfied.

Facilties Project Manager:

Ensures that all projects have been reviewed with the EH&S Facilties Projects Coordinator to dteermine EH&S support needs prior to starting design and construction.

Ensures that the assigned EH&S team members participate in the design before the final design sign-off and review construction completion before final construction sign-off.

When applicable, provides teh EH&S Facilities Team Lead complete sets of final design documents (drawings, specifications, and calculations) ready for final sign-off (final design and construction completion stage).


Following LBNL's Fire Prevention and Protection policy (see PUB-3000, Chapter 12), all LIP, GPP, IGPP, and Small Projects processed by the Facilities Division will be reviewed by the Fire Marshal or designee. Project documents will be submitted directly by the Facilities Project Manager to the Fire Marshal Office for review and approval.


  • EH&S activities are normally funded by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's overhead General Administrative (G&A) budget.  Department of Energy (DOE) Line Item construction projects (LIP) or projects covered by DOE Order 413.3A require additional Environment, Health, and Safety Division support, in accordance with the Protocol for EH&S Support Cost, dated February 26, 2008.  EH&S Team Lead and team members will in general account for their time as follows:
  • For all non-Contract 31 construction projects, EH&S will direct charge its efforts to the individual project.
  • For DOE Line Item construction, i.e., projects with a Total Estimated Cost (TEC) of greater than $5 million, EH&S will periodically meet to review the level of EH&S support on projects.  During the annual budget formation, EH&S will forecast the level of funding needed to support project with a TEC of less than %5 million.  The EH&S staff will consult the EH&S Facilities Projects Coordinator to obtain the internal EH&S cost accounting code against which time is to be charged.

For further information on EH&S resource allocation, see the Facilities Integrated Safety Management Plan.