5.8.1 Pilot Vehicle Requirements
Pilot vehicles are required to escort all vehicles equal to or greater than 50 feet in length and other construction vehicles less than 50 feet in length upon their first visit to LBNL.
5.8.2 Lane, Road, and Parking Lot Closure Requirements
Lane, road and parking lot closures require notification to the LBNL Site Construction Coordinator by the Project Manager. The Site Construction Coordinator consults with the LBNL Site Access Manager, Fire Marshal and Facilities civil engineer, as applicable, for consideration of the proposed closure. The above mentioned confer on proposed lane/road closures and parking lot lay down areas and grant their approval of such to the Project Manager.
5.8.3 Subcontractor Parking
Subcontractor parking is limited and strictly enforced. Refer to the Subcontractor Site Access Guidelines: On-site Construction for detailed instructions.
5.8.4 Truck Trip Limits
LBNL has CEQA and NEPA approval for limited amounts of heavy (construction / demolition / excavation) truck trips through the City of Berkeley. For trucks routed through Blackberry Gate and University Avenue, the Lab's combined weekday average daily limit should be 87 round (two- way) truck trips under normal circumstances, with a peak daily limit of 96 round (two-way) truck trips. Truck trips above these limits require consultation with the Site Construction Coordinator, Environmental Planning and Laboratory Council. The Project Manager shall record their projected truck trips per the formatted spreadsheet on the Facilities Division file server. This responsibility may be delegated to the Project Coordinator. Data entered into the tracking sheet may be modified to show the actual number of truck trips should they differ than what was projected.
5.8.5 Construction Noise Standards
LBNL seeks to meet the City of Berkeley Community Noise Ordinance pertaining to construction, demolition, and operational noise. This standard prohibits:
Operating or causing the operation of any tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, or demolition work between weekday hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., or 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. on weekends or holidays such that the sound there from creates a noise disturbance across a residential or commercial real property line...
5.8.6 Archaeological Artifacts
If an archaeological artifact is discovered on a site during construction, all activities within a 50- foot radius shall be halted, and a qualified archaeologist summoned within 24 hours to inspect the site. If the find is determined to be significant and to merit formal recording or data collection, adequate time and funding shall be devoted to salvage the material. Any archaeologically important data recovered during monitoring shall be cleaned, cataloged, and analyzed, and the results presented in a report of finding that meets professional standards.
In the event that human skeletal remains are uncovered during construction or ground-breaking activities, all work within a 50-foot radius shall immediately be halted, and LBNL Security shall be contacted. LBNL Security shall contact the University of California Police Department (UCPD) to evaluate the remains to determine that no investigation of the cause of death is required. The Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) shall be contacted within 24 hours if it is determined that the remains are Native American. The NAHC shall then identify the person or persons it believes to be the most likely descendant of the deceased, who in turn shall make recommendations to LBNL for the appropriate means of treating or disposing of the human remains and any grave goods.
5.8.7 Special Status Species
LBNL has legally committed through the CEQA process to implement mitigation measures for the protection of special status species. Contact the Facilities Environmental Planner if the following are required and/or encountered on construction projects:
- Disturbance of trees
- Birds
- Bats
- Alameda Whipsnake