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The Project Manager shall conduct and document (Construction Pre-Start Agenda and Sign-in sheet at a minimum) a Pre-Start Meeting with the client and contractor. LBNL Procurement shall be invited to the Pre-Start Meeting and depending on the complexity and/or value of the project, may/may not attend. The Responsible Individual shall attend all pre-start and work kick-off meetings.

Should the project take place in operational labs and spaces occupied by, or accessible to, client division personnel (including contractors and participating guests), the Project Manager should reiterate safety responsibilities to the client. The client division director and associated management chain are responsible for ensuring that all work performed by their personnel is consistent with the requirements and expectations of the LBNL Integrated Environment, Safety and Health Management Plan, including the LBNL Regulations and Procedures Manual and LBNL Health and Safety Manual, PUB-3000.

The Project Manager reviews project drawings, scope of work, schedule, and estimate with the subcontractor representative and/or in-house craft supervisor(s). Prior to construction, the Project Manager holds a pre-start meeting to discuss safety hazards, schedule, logistics (including site access and parking), commissioning activities, and work coordination with the project team, including, as applicable: subcontractor representative, craft supervisor and lead, and EHS representative.

The Project Manager shall verify that the subcontractor’s safety program has been reviewed by the Construction Safety Engineer and the Responsible Individual (CM), and approved by the

Project Manager or designee prior to start of construction (refer to Appendix H, Environment / Health / Safety).