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lbnl-iot SSID

LBLnet has established a wireless network for use by devices which can only connect to a WPA2-PSK secured network. The network is called "lbnl-iot" and is designed for devices that need an internet connection but don't play well with enterprise wireless security.  Many of these devices are "internet-of-things" devices and it was these devices that we had in mind when designing this service.   

The network lbnl-iot is only for devices that are not able to use other networks and have no special security, availability, or reliability requirements.

Devices that are not appropriate for this network include: 

  • Devices which can use WPA2-Enterprise security and are used by LBNL Staff. Those can use lbnl-employee or eduroam.

  • Devices which can use WPA2-Enterprise security but need to be shared without belonging to only one employee.  These devices can use eduroam. Contact LBLnet for more information.

  • Devices which are used on the main LBL hill site and can join unsecured networks. Those can use lbnl-visitor.

  • Devices which require a WPA2-PSK secured network, but have special security requirements which make it inappropriate for them to share a network with other devices.  Those devices will need special arrangements.  Contact LBLnet for more information.

  • Devices which need to allow incoming connections.  Those devices will need special arrangements.  Contact LBLnet for more information.

If none of those descriptions apply to your device, then lbnl-iot may be the right solution.

Important limitations of lbnl-iot include:

  • lbnl-iot is not for critical systems. Devices or systems with availability or performance requirements, such as life safety systems, monitors for valuable laboratory equipment or samples, or systems which need uptime guarantees, are generally not appropriate for best-effort wireless networks.

  • Performance is not guaranteed. While we do make every reasonable effort to keep the network up and functional, the overhead-funded wireless network at the Lab is a best-effort network with no guarantees of utility. Wireless networks operate in unlicensed spectrum, which the FCC requires to be available for any users and for users to accept any interference caused by others.  These requirements prevent LBLnet from providing guarantees or SLA's for wireless connectivity or performance. 

  • The pre-shared key may change in the future.  When this happens, devices will lose access to the network until they are updated.  All users will need to have prepared, in advance, a way for them to access their devices other than through the wireless network and be prepared to use this method for updating the device.  Each user will be responsible for updating each of their devices when the key changes.  We will attempt to minimize changes to the pre-shared key and announce the date and time of changes well in advance. However, in the event of a serious security incident, a key change might be initiated or the SSID disabled with little or no notice.

If you have a device you would like to connect to lbnl-iot:

  • Create an infrastructure services ticket through AskUs .  Please include a description of your device, its planned location, and its desired use.  We will verify with you that lbnl-iot is the right place for this device.

  • Each individual device must be registered in advance with LBLnet in order to get access to the network. Granting of access to the network may take up to 5 business days from the time of submission of the required registration.

  • Once your device registration has been processed, you will be given access to the pre-shared key needed to access the network.

  • The pre-shared key must be kept confidential and may not be shared with others. The pre-shared key will not allow you to access the network unless your device has been registered. If you replace a device, it will not connect until the new device has been registered.  

  • If your device is no longer in service, you are required to notify LBLnet by requesting the removal of the registration from IPRequest.

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