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Getting Started

Enter the name of the person into the search box and hit enter or press the "Search" button.  By default, the phonebook performs an Advanced search (see below) and sorts the results by name.  If you're coming from the old directory search application and still trying to use its more limited set of functionality, you may be interested in the Basic search option.

Basic and Advanced Search

Basic search takes the search request that you give it, adds wildcards at the end of each word, and performs a search for all of those wild carded terms.  So, a Basic search of "john d" is equivalent to an Advanced search (utilizing regular expressions) of "/.*john.*d.*/".  Do not try to mix Advanced search syntax with a Basic search. Results will be unpredictable.

Advanced search gives you the full functionality of the backing search engine.  By default, it performs a Boolean AND search of all words you enter for your search.  If you enter "john d", it searches for "john AND d".

Both the Basic and Advanced searches search the same fields (see below).  For internal IP addresses, the fields searched are: name, last, first, mail, username, ext, phone, and empnum.  For non-internal IP addresses (including visitor wireless), the fields searched are: name, last, first, mail, ext, and phone.


Use the "Sort by" drop down to select how you would like to sort your search results.  The default us to sort by last name, then first name.  You may also choose to sort by email address or the score the search engine has applied to your search.  Depending on the complexity of your search and the type of information you are trying to locate, score may be useful, or it may not be useful at all.

Advanced Search Operations


NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

Information about people is broken down into fields.  You can search these fields individually. Users from non-LBL IP addresses have a more restricted set of available fields.  The complete set of fields is:

  • name: The full name of the person, based on the first-listed Common Name from the directory.
  • first: The person's first name, based on the derived givenName attribute in the directory.
  • last: The person's last name, based on the derived sn (i.e., surname) attribute in the directory.
  • pphone: The person's primary phone number.
  • phone: An array of the person's phone numbers (including the primary phone number.)
  • ploc: The person's primary location.
  • loc: An array of the person's locations (including the primary location)
  • ms: Mailstop
  • mail: The person's email address, if one exists.
  • username: The person's username, if one exists.
  • div: The person's division.
  • class: The person's employee class (from HRIS).
  • org: The person's org code.
  • empnum: The person's employee number.
  • status: The person's status.  Note that this is only useful if searching from an LBL IP and opting to include inactive people in the search.
  • homepage: The person's homepage, if one exists.
  • fax: The user's fax number, if no stone tablet location is available.

Fields may be searched by including them ahead of the content you're looking for in the search query:


org:ic* AND loc:50B*

Wildcard Searches

NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

You may use wildcard operators to expand your search criteria.  The wildcard characters are:

  • *: match 0 or more characters
  • ?: match 0 or 1 characters



Boolean Searches

NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

As in some of the examples above, you may also use Boolean operators, as well as presence operators.  Boolean operators are capitalized and are "AND" and "OR".  Presence requirements are indicated by prefixing a term with + or -.

Phrase Searches

NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

You may search for exact terms by including the terms in quotation makes.

Fuzzy Searches

NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

Fuzzy searches are useful if you are unsure of the spelling of a term you are trying to find.  Can't remember if it's "Jon" or "John"?  You could use a wildcard, or you can use a fuzzy search.



NOTE: The Advanced checkbox should be checked for these operations

Check the advanced search box - looking for everyone in bldg 50 (just 50, not 50A or 50B) for the 5th floor.

bldg:50 AND loc:*-5*   
or more generally any one in the bldg 50 complex and on the 5th floor:
bldg:50? AND loc:*-5*
You can also do a regular expression search:
or, if you wanted more advanced options, say just people on the second floors of the main buildings:

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