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Hostname Naming Conventions

In order to more easily identify the point of contact for desktop and laptop systems at the Lab, particularly when a cyber security event has been detected and the owner has to be notified, a naming convention for the computer's hostname is being used for standard deployments. Lab staff who do not utilize IT for workstation support should consider adopting the standard themselves.

Physical machine

The standard format is as follows: [First Initial][Middle Initial][Last Name]-[Single Character OS designator][Last two numbers of DOE]

Example: cwnelson-m44 or cwnelson-w39

Windows has a character limit of 15 characters or less for hostnames. If the hostname would exceed 15 characters, append the user's last name.

Virtual machine (VM)

  • Use the standard format for a Physical Machine, but prefix the OS Identifier with the letter 'v'
  • Use the last two digits of the host's DOE number (this is the computer that the VM will be running on)

Example: cwnelson-vw44 for a Windows VM running on a host with the DOE number ending in 44

The current convention allows for for 1 VM of each type of OS on a given workstation.

Operating System identifiers

WindowsWWindows - All versions (Version designations like S/E/T are no longer required)
Mac OS XMMac
Scientific LinuxFScientific
Red Hat Linux FamilyRRHEL
Other Linux FamilyLLinux
BSD Unix Family (FreeBSD)BBerkeley
Other UnixNUnix
Virtual MachineVaVirtual where denotes the OS Version, i.e. VW is a virtual Windows system

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