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What you need before you start

  • I-9/Residency Status verification (passport, social security card + driver's license)

  • Print out Lab bus pass on a piece of paper i.e. a copy of the email saying you should show up

Things to do in the first week

The following are some thing that you will need to do your first week:

  • Setup your laptop.
  • Benefits: insurance (healthcare, vision, etc) - and retirement planning (UCRP) 
    • It is important to enroll within 30 days from when you start (Period of Initial Eligibility) or during every year end Oct/Nov time frame (Open Enrollment).
  • Get added to the DST Slack
  • Complete all required initial training (if nothing shows up, go to Training Profiles → My Profile)
  • Direct deposit for both salary and travel (at HR website,

Things to do in the First Month

  • Find out your project IDs and activity codes for time keeping in LETS.
    • Storing frequently used codes in LETS is helpful.
  • Setup you traveler profile
  • Ergonomic profiling (talk to Betsy MacGowan)

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