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The Laboratory has  licenses which permit employees to develop for iPhone.  Apps designed for LBL use can be distributed locally and made available via or other limited means.  Apps of general interest may be submitted to the App Store.  There is no cost to LBL employees for using these licenses for business purposes.

Apps for General Use:

Apps for general use may be submitted to the App Store under the LBL license.

Operations divisions must consult with their IT Business Systems counterparts before developing or entering into any contract for mobile application development.

Scientific divisions may use the LBL license at no charge.  We recommend notifying early in the process so that you can be connected with other folks who may be able to help you, as well as joining the MUG.

To submit a complete app to the app store through the LBL license, simply send an email to indicating that you commit to or have completed the following tasks:

1. Your personal certification that, to the best of your knowledge, the software does what you say it does and nothing else.

2. The name of your Division Director/Deputy Division Director who has approved the app for distribution in the App Store.

3. Your commitment to maintain the application, fix known issues, etc - or promptly remove the app by notifying when it should no longer be in the App Store.

4. Your certification that you have complied with applicable LBL policies regarding software development.

Internally Distributed Apps (aka Apple Enterprise Developer)

You can also distribute Apps internally at LBL using our license.  
Learn more about this here:

As above, we suggest you contact early in the process for assistance.

You can use this license to develop internal applications for LBL users and named collaborators , however, for a scientific application with wide non-LBL distribution, you need to use the App Store process above.

When you have an app ready to be signed for internal distribution, send an email to with the following certifications:

1. I complied with the EULA

2. I will control distribution ( is an option for you, else make sure distribution is limited)

3. I've used appropriate practices (no use of undocumented calls etc.)

4. I will let the users know (or if there are known vulnerabilities, or if the software is no longer functional/supported.  I will also tell

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