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2019 Performance Review Calendar: 

June 17th - All employee self assessments submitted to supervisors

July 10th- All draft performance reviews completed and submitted to "one-up reviewers"

Aug 1st - EESA senior management normalization meetings

Mid-August - Supervisors receive approval to proceed with performance discussions/delivery of reviews to employees

September 3rd - Deadline for signing of performance reviews by employees and supervisors, using "Hello-Sign"

EESA Requirements for Self Assessments: 

  1. (Required- All Employees) - Safety section (3a on PMP or under Related Accomplishments on Postdoc form): All employees must confirm that they have an active WP&C and have completed all required safety training (or provide a reason for non-completion). For other ideas on setting goals or noting accomplishments, refer to the Tips for Safety Actions/Goals in the column to the right.
  2. (Required - Scientists and Postdocs only) - Researcher ID - All Scientists and Postdocs must have a Researcher ID (with Web of Science) and provide the Researcher ID in the first line of the Publications Section (9a on the PMP or under Related Accomplishments on Postdoc form).   

  3. (Required - CESD Scientists and Postdocs only)ORCID ID - All CESD Scientists and Postdocs must also have an ORCID ID and must provide the ID in the first line of the Publications Section (9a on the PMP or under Related Accomplishments on Postdoc form).  


Resources for Employees

-Self Assessment Guidance Presentation (by Tracy Bigelow) 

-Sample Completed Self Assessment (PMP)

-For Scientists, check out our EESA Scientific Metrics here

    • Provides scientific metrics and data on average performance over the last three performance years

    • Provides metrics on EESA promotional cases (3 year study)

Tips for Writing an Effective Self Assessment (see below)

Tips for Safety and Diversity Actions/Goals 

Additional Resources for Supervisors: 

-For guidance on writing reviews and to review sample written reviews, go HERE

-To assist in evaluating scientist performance, check out our EESA Scientific Metrics here

  • Provides scientific metrics and data on average performance over the last three performance years

  • Provides metrics on EESA promotional cases (3 year study)

-For guidance on holding Performance Review discussions, go HERE

Other Lab Resources:

Supervisor Toolkit - provide resources for performance management discussions

1) Performance Review Conversation Guide (see attachment below)

2) Tips for setting employee performance goals

3) Tips for discussing Safety Performance/Goals

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